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88 FR 81028

FWS reopened the comment period on its October 18, 2022, proposed rule to list the Kern Canyon slender salamander and the relictual slender salamander under the ESA and to designate critical habitat, in order to allow opportunity for interested parties to comment on the new areas the Agency is considering for relictual slender salamander critical habitat, small changes to Kern Canyon slender salamander critical habitat, and updates to the physical or biological features for the Kern Canyon slender salamander.

88 FR 80720

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement under CERCLA for the recovery of past response costs concerning the Seerley Road Fire Site in Indianapolis, Indiana.

New Orleans v. Apache Louisiana Minerals, LLC

A district court denied the city of New Orleans' motion to remand to state court its lawsuit against oil companies for allegedly damaging coastal wetlands with their operations. The city initially sued the companies in state court, arguing they violated the Louisiana State and Local Coastal Resource...

Louisiana v. Haaland

The Fifth Circuit dismissed intervening environmental groups' challenge to a district court order requiring the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to hold an oil and gas lease sale on the outer continental shelf in the Gulf of Mexico. The state of Louisiana and oil companies initially sued BOE...