Recent Journal Literature

"Recent Journal Literature" lists law review and other legal periodical articles, including ELR articles, that may be relevant to your research. Choose from a list of keywords (on the left) to filter your search. Within subject matter categories, entries are listed alphabetically by author or title. Links are included to articles published in ELR only.

Tara Disy Allden, David Goldman, Frank L. Hearne, and Bill Spinner, Brownfields to Green: A Proposal for Redevelopment of Brownfields Property for Natural Resource Value, 46 ELR 10855 (2016)
Jason Totoiu, The Bear Essentials: How Landscape-Level Conservation May Help Save Florida’s Biodiversity and Realize the Vision of the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act, 47 ELR 10041 (2017)
A Practitioner's Guide to the Toxic Substances Control Act: Part I, A Practitioner's Guide to the Toxic Substances Control Act: Part I, 24 ELR 10207 (1994)
Victoria Bogdan Tejeda, Science and Sleuthing: Improving CITES Enforcement Through Innovations in Wildlife Forensic Technology , 47 ELR 10580 (2017)
Linda K. Breggin, Kline Moore, Marian Mikhail, and Michael P. Vandenbergh, The Environmental Law and Policy Annual Review: Top 20 Articles, 47 ELR 10649 (2017)
Daniel Magraw and Natalie Thomure, Carta de Foresta: The Charter of the Forest Turns 800, 47 ELR 10934 (2017)
Lee Paddock and Caitlin McCoy, Deep Decarbonization of New Buildings , 48 ELR 10130 (2018)
Sharon Buccino, Keeping the “Public” in Public Lands, 48 ELR 10295 (2018)
Amy L. Stein and Joshua Fershée, Decarbonizing Light-Duty Vehicles, 48 ELR 10596 (2018)
Martha Roberts and Surbhi Sarang, Visualizing Accountability and Transparency Measures, 48 ELR 10713 (2018)