Keeping the “Public” in Public Lands

April 2018
ELR 10295
Sharon Buccino

The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) touches more lives in more ways than any other federal agency. Currently led by Secretary Ryan Zinke, the agency manages one-fifth of the land in the United States, including our national parks, wildlife refuges, and the delivery of water and power in the West. We have entrusted Secretary Zinke and DOI with the care of wildlife, fish, waterways, and land for the benefit of us all. As trustee, Secretary Zinke is accountable to us—the beneficiaries of the trust—to show that he has managed them for the common good. So, how is he doing?

Sharon Buccino is a Senior Attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council.

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Keeping the “Public” in Public Lands

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