Visualizing Accountability and Transparency Measures
Porter and Watts’ article helpfully underscores the values that should be reflected in the regulatory process, including the worthy goals of making regulatory activities more transparent, increasing political accountability, and encouraging public participation. There is a long, bipartisan history of efforts to further these aims in the rulemaking process; Porter and Watts’ piece illuminates one new emerging strategy to support these goals. As the authors point out, visual rulemaking has the ability to increase transparency of agency action, better convey how agency actions affect the public, and engage a more diverse segment of the public in agency rulemakings—all of which can help assure accountability in implementation of public health and safety protections. In an era during which foundational rulemaking values are under threat, reflecting on the history and future of rulemaking transparency and accountability is an opportunity to examine the importance of these qualities and evaluate current and potential sources of support.