Recent Journal Literature

"Recent Journal Literature" lists law review and other legal periodical articles, including ELR articles, that may be relevant to your research. Choose from a list of keywords (on the left) to filter your search. Within subject matter categories, entries are listed alphabetically by author or title. Links are included to articles published in ELR only.

James L. Oakes, Developments in Environmental Law, 3 ELR 50001 (1973)
, Attorneys Fees: The Growing Number of Awards to Public Interest Plaintiffs, 4 ELR 10021 (1974)
, The Fourth Circuit's Latest Word on NEPA and Federal Funds for State Projects: Ely II, 4 ELR 10092 (1974)
, Congress and EPA Propose Solutions to Southwestern River Salinity, 4 ELR 10143 (1974)
Jeff Morgenthaler, On the Road Again: Certification Acceptance Forces NEPA to Adapt, 4 ELR 50023 (1974)
Carl O. Bue Jr., Judicial Review as Viewed by the Judiciary, 4 ELR 50148 (1974)
, D.C. Circuit Voids EPA Plan to Lower Lead Content of Gasoline, 5 ELR 10052 (1975)
, Corps Issues Interim Rules for Discharges of Dredged and Fill Materials, 5 ELR 10143 (1975)
, Big Rivers Electric Corp. v. EPA: Sixth Circuit Vindicates EPA's Stand on Stack Gas Scrubbers, 5 ELR 10201 (1975)
Lance D. Wood, Toward Compatible International and Domestic Regimes of Civil Liability for Oil Pollution of Navigable Waters, 5 ELR 50116 (1975)