John Cruden, David Doniger, Jeffrey Holmstead, and William F. Pedersen,
How Best to Use CAA 118(d) to Regulate Existing Power Plants' Carbon Emissions,
44 ELR 10005 (2014)
Recent Journal Literature
"Recent Journal Literature" lists law review and other legal periodical articles, including ELR articles, that may be relevant to your research. Choose from a list of keywords (on the left) to filter your search. Within subject matter categories, entries are listed alphabetically by author or title. Links are included to articles published in ELR only.
Richard E. Schwartz, David Y. Chung, and Tony Mendoza,
Nutrients in the Courts: Cooperative Federalism Entangles EPA Actions on Nitrogen and Phosphorus,
44 ELR 10163 (2014)
Marion Boulicault and Adam Schempp,
Five Things to Consider When Developing and Adapting Water Policies and Programs in the West,
44 ELR 10485 (2014)
Avi Garbow and Marna McDermott,
Comments on "Rulemaking vs. Democracy: Judging and Nudging Public Participation That Counts",
44 ELR 10678 (2014)
Barbara J. Goldsmith, Tara Waikem Flynn, and Tara Franey,
A Decade of Natural Resource Damage Liability: Key Federal Decisions 2004-2014,
44 ELR 10868 (2014)
Megan Ceronsky and Tomás Carbonell,
Section 111(d) and the Clean Power Plan: The Legal Foundation for Strong, Flexible, and Cost-Effective Carbon Pollution Standards for Existing Power Plants,
44 ELR 11086 (2014)
Cynthia Giles,
Next Generation Compliance,
45 ELR 10205 (2015)
Edward A. Fitzgerald,
Defenders of Wildlife v. Jewell: Wyoming Wolves Receive a Warranted Reprieve—But for How Long?,
45 ELR 10447 (2015)
Michael N. Romita,
The Renewable Fuel Program at an Inflection Point: Policy Implications of EPA's Proposed 2014-2016 Renewable Fuel Standard,
45 ELR 10674 (2015)
Lois Schiffer,
Comments on Taking Public Access to the Law Seriously,
45 ELR 10786 (2015)