Recent Journal Literature

"Recent Journal Literature" lists law review and other legal periodical articles, including ELR articles, that may be relevant to your research. Choose from a list of keywords (on the left) to filter your search. Within subject matter categories, entries are listed alphabetically by author or title. Links are included to articles published in ELR only.

Edward B. Sears, The U.S. Supreme Court's 1993-1994 Term, 24 ELR 10719 (1994)
James M. McElfish Jr., Minimal Stringency: Abdication of State Innovation, 25 ELR 10003 (1995)
Bruce M. Diamond, Confessions of an Environmental Enforcer, 26 ELR 10252 (1996)
Howard M. Shanker and Sanjay Gupta, Taxing the Environment, 27 ELR 10165 (1997)
Vickie L. Patton, The New Air Quality Standards, Regional Haze, and Interstate Air Pollution Transport, 28 ELR 10155 (1998)
Edward J. Calabrese & Edward J. Stanek III, Soil Ingestion Estimation in Children and Adults: A Dominant Influence in Site Specific Risk Assessment, 28 ELR 10660 (1998)
Rod Hunter and Koen Muylle, European Community: Product-Related Regulation and Liability, 29 ELR 10515 (1999)
Steven J. Eagle, Del Monte Dunes, Good Faith, and Land Use Regulation, 30 ELR 10100 (2000)
Robin Kundis Craig, The Coral Reef Task Force: Protecting the Environment Through Executive Order, 30 ELR 10343 (2000)
Ruth Greenspan Bell, Legitimacy, Trust and the Environmental Agenda: Lessons From Armenia, 30 ELR 10771 (2000)