European Community: Product-Related Regulation and Liability
Editors' Summary: This Article is the third and final installment of a survey of European Community (EC) environmental law. The first Article, which was published in the September 1998 edition of ELR's News & Analysis, discussed the evolving European treaties and institutions. The second Article, published in the June 1999 issue of News & Analysis, analyzed the particulars of the European environmental regulatory scheme by discussing production-related regulation. This Article continues the analysis of European environmental regulations by focusing on product-related regulation. In addition to discussing labeling rules and product take-back regulation, the Article also covers the regulation of chemicals and of genetically modified organisms. The Article then wraps up the three-part analysis of European environmental law with a discussion of the EC's proposed environmental liability scheme. The text of all three of these Articles, as well as supporting European directives, can be found in the Environmental Law Institute's European Community Deskbook, 2nd Edition.