
The court holds that landowners, timber companies, and a sport fisherman guide may not intervene in an environmental group's action to compel the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to list…

The court affirms a district court order directing the federal government to allow two state agencies access to documents they produced pursuant to grand jury subpoenas in the federal government…

The court affirms a district court order denying citizen groups a preliminary injunction to stop ocean dumping of dioxin-contaminated materials dredged from the New York-New Jersey Port Authority…

The court holds that for purposes of allowing additional limited discovery to supplement the administrative record, an action challenging the U.S. Forest Service's decision to renew a grazing…

The court holds that New Jersey solid waste flow-control regulations probably violate the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, but grants only a conditional preliminary injunction to prevent…

The court rules that the Price-Anderson Act does not bar, under an exception to the tribal exhaustion doctrine, Native American tribal court jurisdiction over an action against corporations…

The court holds that a county ordinance that imposed a moratorium on landfills did not exact a taking from a landowner or violate the landowner's substantive and procedural due process rights…

The court holds that three environmental groups and an individual have standing to challenge the U.S. Treasury Department's failure to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) under…

The court holds that insurers have no duty to indemnify or defend an insured against Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act and state-law claims brought by New York…

The court holds that the district court lacks subject matter jurisdiction in an action brought by surface and royalty interest owners against past and current operators of an oil field for alleged…