
The court holds that a New Jersey landowner adequately stated a substantive due process claim under the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution when he alleged that a local zoning board…

The court remands the question whether a South Carolina statutory cap on in-state commercial incineration of infectious waste violates the U.S. Constitution's Commerce Clause for further…

The court holds that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) failed to comply with a prior court order directing it to prepare a second environmental impact statement supplement (EISS-2)…

The court holds that the Eleventh Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not bar a citizen group that was denied attorney fees by the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality from asserting a…

The court holds that under Virginia law owners of land near an underground oil spill from an oil distribution facility may not recover damages for diminution in property value or fear of negative…

The court holds that a district court erred in setting aside a jury verdict and ruling that plaintiff presented insufficient epidemiological and clinical evidence to support a causal connection…

The court holds that the U.S. Army, the Michigan Department of Military Affairs, and the National Guard Bureau (agencies), did not violate the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in deciding…

The court holds that provisions of Indiana's Environmental Compliance Plans Act (ECPA) that favor a utility's use of Indiana coal violate the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.…

The court holds that when the state of New Jersey acts in its sovereign capacity to invoke the jurisdiction of a federal court to assert state-law claims against a waste hauler and its customers,…

The court holds that of a water service contract between the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and a private California water district does not obligate the Bureau to deliver the full contractual amount…