
The court reverses and remands district court judgments that applied the incorrect legal standard concerning challenges under the dormant Commerce Clause to two Pennsylvania counties' solid…

Applying Illinois law, the court holds that insurers of a dissolved corporation that was party to a consent judgment as a defendant in a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and…

The court dismisses strict liability, negligence, and trespass claims that a past owner of a site containing corroded underground gasoline storage tanks brought against another past owner and the…

The court holds that punitive damages are available under Pennsylvania law and the Price-Anderson Amendments Act of 1988 (PAA)) to plaintiffs in a suit against the operators of the Three Mile…

The court holds that the operators of the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor violated their duty of care to the public by releasing, during a 1979 accident at the facility, radiation in levels…

The court holds that Arizona and an Arizona county may intervene as of right in the injunctive relief portion of an action alleging that the U.S. Forest Service (Forest Service) violated the…

The court holds that plaintiffs in a toxic tort case were not entitled at trial to be certified as a class for medical monitoring, to depose an attorney for the defendant uranium mill, or to…

The court affirms a district court denial of Nevada's petition under Fed. R. Civ. P. 27 to depose more than two dozen scientists regarding studies they undertook in response to a scientific…

The court holds that a Wisconsin solid waste flow control law that bars in-state and out-of-state waste generators from disposing of listed recyclable materials in Wisconsin landfills unless the…

The court holds that the installer of an underground heating oil storage tank may be held liable as an "operator" under the Pennsylvania Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Act (STSPA) for…