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89 FR 22648

SIP Proposal: California (revisions concerning nonattainment fees in the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District). 

89 FR 22649

FWS proposed to remove the Roanoke logperch from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife due to recovery. 

89 FR 22688

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) announced that it will follow the First Responder Network Authority’s NEPA procedures on an interim basis with modifications to account for NTIA's internal organization and establish 30 new categorical exclusions in compliance with NEPA, CEQ regulations, and other related authorities. 

BlueRibbon Coalition, Inc. v. U.S Bureau of Land Management

A district court denied outdoor recreation groups' request to halt implementation of BLM's 2023 travel management plan (TMP) closing over 300 miles of routes previously available for off-highway vehicle use on public lands within the Labyrinth/Gemini Bridges Travel Management Area in Utah. The group...

Texas v. United States Department of Transportation

A district court granted summary judgment for the state of Texas in a challenge to the Federal Highway Administration's (FHwA's) 2023 rule requiring states to measure, report, and set declining targets for the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by vehicles using the interstate and national highway sys...

Center for Biological Diversity v. Little

A district court granted in part and denied in part summary judgment for environmental groups in a challenge to an Idaho law authorizing expanded authorization of recreational wolf trapping and snaring in the state's grizzly bear habitat. The groups argued Idaho's continued authorization and expansi...

Wilderness Society v. U.S. Department of Interior

A district court granted in part and denied in part summary judgment for conservation groups in a challenge to BLM's authorization of a lease sale for oil and gas development in Wyoming. The groups argued BLM failed to take a "hard look" at the potential environmental impacts of the Wyoming sale, as...

Dakota Resource Council v. U.S. Department of Interior

A district court denied summary judgment for conservation groups in a challenge to BLM's authorization of six lease sales for oil and gas development in the western United States. The groups argued BLM failed to take the requisite "hard look" when analyzing the cumulative impact of greenhouse gas em...