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89 FR 23526

EPA gave notice that it has responded to petitions for reconsideration and administrative stay of a final action under the “good neighbor” or “interstate transport” provision of the CAA published in the Federal Register on June 5, 2023, titled "Federal 'Good Neighbor Plan' for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards." 

89 FR 23523

SIP Approval: Pennsylvania (revisions to particulate matter emission mitigation requirements for industry operating in the portion of Allegheny County known as the “Mon Valley” during weather-related pollution episodes, and revisions to open burning regulation in Allegheny County). 

89 FR 23521

SIP Approval: Arizona (revisions concerning definitions for the Maricopa County Air Quality Department). 

89 FR 23840

EPA finalized proposed amendments to remove the force majeure exemption for pressure relief devices and emergency flaring, incorporate clarifications for the degassing requirements for floating roof storage vessels, and address other corrections and clarifications for various NESHAPs. 

89 FR 22963

SIP Approval: Arizona (stationary source permits). 

89 FR 23294

EPA finalized amendments to NESHAPs for integrated iron and steel manufacturing facilities. 

89 FR 22972

EPA seeks comments and information to assist in the potential development of regulations for the manufacture, processing, and distribution in commerce of lead for wheel-balancing weights under TSCA. 

89 FR 22949

FWS finalized a rule to complete regulatory proceedings addressing submerged public lands within Tongass National Forest.