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Indiana: Waste

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management seeks public comment on draft rule language for amendments to 329 IAC 11, concerning clarifications, consistency changes, and organizational changes to the rules for solid waste processing facilities, including transfer stations. The rulemaking proposes to clarify existing rule language for definitions, exclusions, zoning requirements, application and design standards, operating standards, closure, and post-closure requirements. Comments are due February 13, 2009.

Massachusetts: Water

The Department of Environmental Protection is postponing public hearings on proposed amendments to 310 CMR 4.00, Timely Action Schedule and Fee Provisions; 310 CMR 9.00, Waterways regulations; 314 CMR 21.00, Stormwater General Permit regulations; and 310 CMR 40.0000, Massachusetts Contingency Plan of the Waste Site Cleanup program. The hearing date was originally set for January 16 and 20, 2009. The Department will reschedule these hearings and send out the revised schedule and a copy of the proposed changes in the near future. .

Montana: Air

The Board of Environmental Review will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to ARM 17.8.102, Incorporation by Reference. The amendment would specifically exempt from the incorporation by reference 40 CFR Part 60, subpart HHHH, which establishes a scheme for regulating emissions of mercury under an emission credit trading program. The hearing will be February 4, 2009.

New Jersey: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments and additions to N.J.A.C. 7:1G-3.1, 3.2, and 5.3; 7:27-21.1 through 21.3; 7:27-21.5; and 7:27-21.11 through 21.13, Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Reporting Program.

North Carolina: Water

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources adopted amendments and additions to 15A NCAC 02B .0263 through .0273 and .0311(p). The purpose of the rules is to restore and maintain nutrient-related water quality standards in B. Everett Jordan Reservoir; protect its classified uses, including its use as a source of water supply for drinking water, culinary, and food processing purposes; and maintain or enhance protections currently implemented by local governments in existing water supply watersheds.

Pennsylvania: Waste

The Environmental Quality Board amended Chapters 260a§266a, 266b, 269a, and 270a, Hazardous Waste Management. This rulemaking includes revisions to remove obsolete provisions and correct inaccurate references currently in the regulations, delete the outdated coproduct transition scheme, simplify the hazardous waste manifest system, update the financial assurance requirements for bonding, expand and clarify the universal waste requirements, correct an outdated reference to the Board in the hazardous waste facilities siting criteria, and add provisions for standardized permits.

Wisconsin: Waste

The Department of Natural Resources will hold two public hearings on the creation of Chapter NR 528, Wis. Adm. Code, relating to the management of accumulated sediment from stormwater management structures. This proposed rule would create a framework of self regulation for the management of sediment obtained when cleaning stormwater sediment control structures. The proposed rule would place the department in an oversight role, thereby minimizing and targeting uses of scarce staff resources, and provide a reasonable, safe, and consistent approach in managing end uses of accumulated sediment.