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Ohio: Water

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Ohio Admin. Code 3745:89, relating to laboratory certifications. Proposed revisions to OAC rule 3745-89-06 will allow the division to deny, suspend, or revoke an analyst's laboratory certificate if their operator certificate is suspended or revoked for reasons other than falsification, and will require revocation of an analyst's laboratory certificate if their operator certificate is suspended or revoked for falsification.

Ohio: Water

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Ohio Admin. Code 3745:39-01, Applicability of rules of procedure and definitions; 3745:39-02, Objectives of the Ohio EPA storm water management program for small MS4s; and 3745:39-03, Ohio EPA NPDES requirements for small MS4s. The amended rules include updated citations, grammatical edits, and formatting revisions and clarify the exclusion for fire-fighting activities in rule 3745:39-03 to reflect existing practices. The hearing will be held August 4, 2009.

Pennsylvania: Water

The Environmental Quality Board seeks public comment on proposed repeal of 25 Pa. Code §§301, 303 and 305, relating to general provisions; certification of operators; and plant requirements; and creation of 25 Pa. Code §302, relating to administration of the water and wastewater systems operations' certification program.

Pennsylvania: Water

The Susquehanna River Basin Commission (Commission) will hold two public hearings on proposed amendments to 25 Pa. Code §§806, Review and Approval of Projects; and 808, Hearings and Enforcement Actions.

Texas: Waste

The Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission proposed amendments to 31 Tex. Admin. Code §675.1, Waste Volume Estimate. The amendment contains an estimate of the total quantity of waste generated in Texas that is estimated to be disposed of in the Texas site during the period 1995 through 2045 and recites the statutory requirement that the Commission coordinate the shipments from generators in the non-host party state (Vermont) in order to assure that the shipments do not exceed 20% of the volume projected for Texas by the Commission.

Virginia: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality will hold a public hearing on proposed adoption of 9VAC25-190, Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit Regulation for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining. The proposed regulation sets forth standard language for effluent limitations and monitoring requirements necessary to regulate the discharge of wastewater from nonmetallic mineral mining. The existing general permit expires on June 30, 2009. The general permit is being reissued to continue to make it available for nonmetallic mineral mining operations after that date.

Washington: Toxic substances

The Department of Ecology will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Chapter 173-183 WAC, Preassessment Screening and Oil Spill Compensation Schedule Regulations. The purpose of this proposal is to amend the compensation schedule mathematical formula multipliers in regulation so that the full range of compensation ($1 to $100 per gallon of oil spilled) required in state law can be calculated. Multiplier descriptions in regulation would also be changed to reflect the new ceiling value of $100 per gallon. The hearing will be January 27, 2009.

Washington: Water

The Department of Ecology adopted amendments to Chapter 173-160 WAC, Minimum Standards for Construction and Maintenance of Wells. The amendments make technical and typographical corrections to the current rule and add new provisions that require certification of certain drilling materials to protect groundwater quality.

California: Air

The Air Resources Board will hold a public hearing to consider adopting a regulation to reduce sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) use in non-semiconductor and non-utility applications and to consider adoption of a regulation to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from semiconductor and related devices (semiconductor) operations. The hearing will be February 26, 2009. Written comments are due February 25, 2009. pp. 66-73.