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Virginia Elec. & Power Co. v. NRC

The court affirms a Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) order imposing $32,500 in civil penalties against petitioner public utility for making seven material false statements in connection with its application for a license for its North Anna nuclear power plant by failing to inform the NRC of geolo...

D.C. Fed'n of Civic Ass'ns v. Adams

The Fourth Circuit affirms the district court's denial of injunctive relief in an action seeking to restrain further construction on a segment of an interstate highway for failure to comply with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act. Plaintiffs' claims that the project environmen...

Woida v. United States

The court denies plaintiffs' request for a preliminary injunction against continued rights-of-way acquisition and construction of an electric transmission line. The court disagrees with plaintiffs' contention that the final environmental impact statements (EISs) for the project are fatally defective...

Cross-Sound Ferry Servs., Inc. v. United States

The court denies a petition for review of an Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) order granting a conditional certificate of public convenience and necessity and affirms the ICC's conclusion that its decision is not a "major Federal action" under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), thereb...

Citizens Against Toxic Sprays v. Bergland

The court dissolves an injunction against aerial spraying of phenoxy herbicides including 2,4,5-T in the Siuslaw National Forest after determining that the Forest Service's new environmental impact statement (EIS) for the project remedies the defects in the earlier EIS. Although the new impact state...

California v. Kleppe

The court finds that corporate defendants' counterclaim challenging the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) regulatory jurisdiction over an offshore oil storage and treatment facility (OS&T) is not ripe for adjudication. EPA has made an initial determination that defendant Exxon's OS&T...

Chevron Chem. Co. v. Costle

The court denies defendant's motion for summary judgment and remands to the Environmental Protection Agency a case in which plaintiff seeks injunctive and declaratory relief against the proposed public release of test data submitted in support of applications for certificates of registration for cer...

Conservation Soc'y of S. Vt. v. Secretary of Transp.

After six years of litigation on the matter, the court finds that analysis of feasible alternatives to use of park land prepared in connection with the proposed highway project satisfies the requirements of §4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act. The §4(f) statement shows that the defendant...

GATX Terminals Corp. v. New Jersey Dep't of Envtl. Protection

The New Jersey Supreme Court upholds New Jersey's Spill Compensation and Control Act regulations applicable to the design and construction of hazardous waste storage and handling facilities. A lower court had invalidated the regulations on grounds that they exceeded statutory authority to provide st...

Crosby v. Young

The court refuses to enjoin municipal acquisition of property in the Poletown area of Detroit and Hamtramck, Michigan, for construction of a General Motors assembly plant. Detroit and Hamtramck, with funds from loan guarantees and grants administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Developmen...