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District of Columbia v. Costle

The court vacates its earlier decision, 7 ELR 20701, which dismissed as moot challenges to the Environmental Protection Agency's regulations requiring inclusion of various transportation control measures in state air quality implementation plans under the Clean Air Act. The court remands the vehicle...

Woodland Hills Residents Ass'n v. City Council of Los Angeles

The court reverses a lower court's refusal to award attorney fees to plaintiffs who successfully challenged defendants' approval of a proposed subdivision tract map on the grounds that it failed to include a finding that the subdivision was consistent with the city's general plan. Plaintiffs are ent...

Virginia Elec. & Power Co. v. Costle

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals affirms the district court's dismissal for lack of subject matter jurisdiction of petitions for review of the Environmental Protection Agency's regulations governing cooling water intake structures under §316(b) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendmen...

Environmental Defense Fund v. Hoffmann

Affirming the district court's dissolution of an injunction against construction, the court finds that the Corps of Engineers' revised environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Cache River channelization project complies with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The lower court was "not ...

Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation v. Alexander

In a declaratory judgment, the court finds that Indian fishing rights along Catherine Creek, guaranteed by an 1855 treaty, will be illegally nullified by a flood-control dam proposed by the Army Corps of Engineers. Rejecting the government's argument that no treaty fishing rights exists on the relev...

Wayne County Dep't of Health v. Olsonite Corp.

In a suit brought under the Michigan Environmental Protection Act, the state court of appeals affirms a lower court's injunctive decree requiring defendant to adopt a supplemental odor control system capable of achieving within a specified period emission limits set by the court. The trial court cor...

Environmental Defense Fund v. East Bay Mun. Utils. Dist.

The California Supreme Court affirms a trial court's dismissal of a suit challenging defendant's failure to adopt waste water reclamation techniques and its decision to build a canal and divert water from the lower American River pursuant to a contract with the federal Bureau of Reclamation. Relying...

Washington State Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessel Ass'n v. Tollefson

After first having held the case moot, the Washington Supreme Court on rehearing sustains the trial court's invalidation of fishing regulations promulgated by the state Department of Fisheries. The regulations, adopted pursuant to a federal court order, sought to distribute evenly the state's annual...

Washington Dep't of Ecology v. Pacesetter Constr. Co.

The Washington Supreme Court affirms a lower court decision ordering the removal of two houses constructed on lakeshore property adjacent to that owned by plaintiffs and awarding damages as compensation for the temporary reduction in esthetic enjoyment. Plaintiff property owners who were subsequentl...

Cross Keys Waterways v. Askew

The court declares unconstitutional certain sections of the Florida Environmental and Water Management Act which delegate to the Administration Commission, composed of the governor and the state cabinet, the discretionary power to designate parts of the state as "areas of critical concern." Pursuant...