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Aertsen v. Harris

The court grants plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction against demolition of historic buildings as part of an ongoing urban renewal project pending compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). In 1966, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approved,...

National Audubon Soc'y v. Costle

In an oral opinion, the court issues a temporary restraining order against the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) exemption, issued on June 26, 1979, for the use of the carcinogenic insecticide toxaphene. The state's application for an exemption failed to contain an analysis of the adverse ef...

Get Oil Out! v. Andrus

Granting defendants' motion for summary judgment, the court vacates an injunction issued previously against the installation of two oil drilling rigs in the Santa Barbara Channel, 9 ELR 20126, ruling that defendants' revised administrative record complies with the requirements of the National Enviro...

Stephens v. Adams

The court grants summary judgment for defendants in a case in which plaintiffs sought declaratory and injunctive relief against the proposed widening of a 4.33-mile segment of secondary highway in New Berlin, Wisconsin, on the grounds that defendants violated the Federal-Aid Highway Act (Highway Act...

Michigan Oil Co. v. Natural Resources Comm'n

Affirming the court of appeals, 7 ELR 20213, the Michigan Supreme Court upholds the authority of the state to deny applications for oil drilling permits in order to prevent unnecessary adverse effects on the natural environment. The drill site for which appellant sought the permit is located in the ...

Porter County Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of Am. v. NRC

The court upholds the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's denial of petitions from environmental and citizens groups requesting that an adjudicatory proceeding be instituted to suspend and revoke the construction permit for the Bailly Nuclear Generating Facility. The petitions, filed two years after the...

Environmental Defense Fund v. Johnson

The court dismisses an action to enjoin the Corps of Engineers from seeking congressional authorization for a general design study of the contemplated Hudson River Skimming Project, for which a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) has been prepared, until a final EIS is filed. Looking to the S...

Sierra Club v. Andrus

The court dismisses an action challenging the issuance of rights-of-way for construction of an electric transmission line over federal lands after ruling that the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM's) final environmental impact statement (EIS) satisfies the requirements of the National Environmental P...

Ventura County v. Gulf Oil Corp.

Affirming the district court, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rules that the holder of a federal lease and oil drilling permits in a national forest need not obtain a permit pursuant to a county's zoning ordinances in order to exercise its leaseholder rights. Relying on Kleppe v. New Mexico, 6 EL...

Mississippi Power & Light Co. v. NRC

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upholds the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) schedule of fees for the recovery from license applicants of the costs of processing license applications and conducting safety inspections and environmental reviews. The case law interpreting Title V of the Indep...