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Harrisburg Coalition Against Ruining the Env't v. Volpe

Plaintiffs, who obtained a consent agreement changing the route of a planned highway so as to lessen intrusion on a park, did not confer a public benefit warranting an award of attorney fees under the private attorney general exception to the American Rule. Even if this were an appropriate case for ...

Gulf Oil Corp. v. Simon

The Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals affirms a lower court's ruling that the Federal Energy Office was not required to prepare an environmental impact statement in conjunction with its issuance of regulations establishing a scheme for the mandatory allocation of crude oil supplies. The compresse...

Biderman v. Morton

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals affirms a lower court's denial of a preliminary injunction in a suit seeking to prohibit the National Park Service from granting permits for motor vehicle use within the Fire Island National Seashore, and refuses to impose interim motor vehicle regulations. The tr...

Ventnor City v. Fri

The court dismisses an action seeking injunctive relief against EPA approval of a federal grant for the construction of a sewerage treatment plant in Atlantic City. Plaintiffs' claim that additional studies of alternative methods of sewerage disposal are required is jurisdictionally defective, since...

Fort Story—Its Future? v. Schlesinger

In a Letter Opinion to counsel, the court rules that plaintiffs, as residents of a nearby city, have standing to maintain this NEPA challenge to construction of a Navy housing project on dune land adjacent to a state park. Plaintiffs' use of the adjoining park for recreation and their interest in se...

Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. v. Callaway

The court preliminarily enjoins reconstruction of an existing lock and dam on the upper Mississippi River until the project receives congressional authorization and the Corps of Engineers prepares an adequate NEPA impact statement. The proposed reconstruction requires congressional consent under 33 ...

Ethyl Corp. v. EPA

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit overturns as arbitrary and capricious regulations promulgated by EPA under §211(c) (1)(A) of the Clean Air Act which provide for the phased reduction of the lead content of motor vehicle gasoline. The statutory provision requires a factually supported ...

No Oil v. Los Angeles, City of

The Supreme Court of California, sitting en banc, rules, in a 4-3 decision, that the city of Los Angeles failed to comply with the requirements of the state Environmental Quality Act when it established oil drilling districts for the drilling of two test wells near a state beach without first issuin...

Homeowners Emergency Life Protection Comm. v. Lynn

The court refuses to enjoin construction of a $45 million dam and reservoir pending completion of a NEPA impact statement, finding that neither the application by the city of Los Angeles for federal reimbursement funds nor the city's "meticulous attention to Federal requirements" has made the projec...

Secretary of Envtl. Affairs v. Massachusetts Port Auth.

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court affirms a lower court's issuance of an injunction against further construction on a runway project at Logan Airport in Boston until the Massachusetts Port Authority has published a final environmental impact report in compliance with the state Environmental P...