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Michigan Oil Co. v. Natural Resources Comm'n

Affirming the court of appeals, 7 ELR 20213, the Michigan Supreme Court upholds the authority of the state to deny applications for oil drilling permits in order to prevent unnecessary adverse effects on the natural environment. The drill site for which appellant sought the permit is located in the ...

Porter County Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of Am. v. NRC

The court upholds the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's denial of petitions from environmental and citizens groups requesting that an adjudicatory proceeding be instituted to suspend and revoke the construction permit for the Bailly Nuclear Generating Facility. The petitions, filed two years after the...

Environmental Defense Fund v. Johnson

The court dismisses an action to enjoin the Corps of Engineers from seeking congressional authorization for a general design study of the contemplated Hudson River Skimming Project, for which a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) has been prepared, until a final EIS is filed. Looking to the S...

Sierra Club v. Andrus

The court dismisses an action challenging the issuance of rights-of-way for construction of an electric transmission line over federal lands after ruling that the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM's) final environmental impact statement (EIS) satisfies the requirements of the National Environmental P...

Ventura County v. Gulf Oil Corp.

Affirming the district court, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rules that the holder of a federal lease and oil drilling permits in a national forest need not obtain a permit pursuant to a county's zoning ordinances in order to exercise its leaseholder rights. Relying on Kleppe v. New Mexico, 6 EL...

Mississippi Power & Light Co. v. NRC

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upholds the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) schedule of fees for the recovery from license applicants of the costs of processing license applications and conducting safety inspections and environmental reviews. The case law interpreting Title V of the Indep...

Bennett Hills Grazing Ass'n v. United States

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals vacates a district court's order that enjoined the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) from proceeding with preparation of a final environmental impact statement (EIS) on the federal grazing program until plaintiffs had 90 days in whith to comment on BLM's draft EIS. R...

Montana Power Co. v. EPA

Reversing a district court's judgment and affirming a determination by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals holds that Units 3 and 4 of the Colstrip power plant in Montana are subject to the prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) review and permitting ...

Evansville, City of v. Kentucky Liquid Recycling, Inc.

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals reverses the district court's dismissal, for lack of subject matter jurisdiction, of a suit by three municipal utilities for damages from pollution caused by appellees' discharge of toxic substances into the Ohio River. In determining whether appellants properly ...

New England Power Co. v. Goulding

The court denies plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction barring the proposed transfer of the Rhode Island Naval Auxiliary Landing Field from the General Services Administration to several other federal agencies. After preparing an environmental impact statement (EIS) addressing possible alt...