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Conservation Council of N.C. v. Costanzo

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals affirms the district court's dissolution of a previous injunctive order and denial of temporary injunctive relief against further work in navigable waters. The lower court did not abuse its discretion in refusing to grant such relief pending the Corps of Engineers...

Arastra Ltd. Partnership v. Palo Alto, City of

The court awards inverse condemnation damages to plaintiffs, a limited partnership which has been prevented from, developing certain land by the defendant city's enactment of open space ordinances. The city repeatedly and publicly indicated its intent to purchase plaintiff's 515 acres, which lie bel...

Environmental Defense Fund v. Agency for Int'l Dev.

Judge Sirica approves a stipulation by which the parties agree that the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID) will, within 10 months, file a programmatic NEPA impact statement on its international pesticide activities and pest management program; these include its financing of procurement ...

Wambat Realty Corp. v. State

The New York Supreme Court for Essex County grants summary judgment to the defendants in an action seeking to declare the Adirondack Park Agency Act in violation of New York constitutional and statutory provisions guaranteeing local governments the power to enact local zoning regulations and perform...

Wyoming v. Hathaway

The court of appeals dissolves a preliminary injunction entered by the lower court against the Environmental Protection Agency's order banning three economic poisons used for predator control. Acting under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), the EPA Administrator issued ...

Arizona Power Pooling Ass'n v. Morton

The court unanimously denies defendant's petition for rehearing and suggestion for rehearing en banc. It goes on, however, to supplement and clarify its initial decision for plaintiffs, 5 ELR 20708, in this action brought by a group of consumer-owned electric utilities to enforce the preference clau...

Harrison v. Indiana Auto Shredders Co.

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals dissolves a permanent injunction and reverses an award of compensatory and punitive damages in a nuisance action brought against an automobile shredding-recycling facility located in a heavy industry zoned area of Indianapolis. The facility is not a nuisance per ...

Fund for Animals v. Frizzell

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals affirms a lower court's denial of preliminary injunctive relief against Fish and Wildlife Service regulations that permit hunting of the greater snow goose and the Atlantic brant in the Atlantic flyway during a limited season in 1975-1976. The district court did not...

Wisconsin's Envtl. Decade v. Public Serv. Comm'n

An environmental coalition challenges respondent's refusal to consider the need for an EIS under the Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act (WEPA), Wis. Stats. §1.11, in connection with a rate increase that it granted to the Wisconsin Electric Power Co. The court has previously upheld petitioner's stan...

Grain Processing Corp. v. Train

The Eighth Circuit originally decided, 5 ELR 20392, that the district court is the proper forum for this challenge to effluent guidelines established under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. Following a jurisdictional remand, the district court here invalidates EPA's single-...