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89 FR 19519

SIP Proposal: Wisconsin (second 10-year 2006 24-hour fine particulate matter limited maintenance plan for the Milwaukee-Racine maintenance area). 

89 FR 19602

United States v. Ameren Corp., No. 1:24-cv-00047 (E.D. Mo. Mar. 12, 2024). Under a proposed consent decree, settling CERCLA defendants must pay $6,074,739 and certain settling federal agencies must pay a further $600,798 for costs the United States incurred responding to releases of hazardous substances at the Missouri Electric Works Superfund site in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. 

Maryland: Governance

The Department of the Environment adopted new regulations governing the Marine Contractors Licensing Board. The regulations establish, among other things, four tiers or categories of marine contractor licenses.

89 FR 19526

FWS proposed to list the bushy whitlow-wort as an endangered species under the ESA, and to designate approximately 41.96 acres in Jim Hogg County, Texas, as critical habitat for the species. 

89 FR 19546

FWS proposed to remove the North Park phacelia from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Plants due to recovery.