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Florida: Climate Change

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed amendments to regulations governing the Sea Level Impact Projection (SLIP) study. The amendments would, among other things, expand the scope of the SLIP study requirements for state-financed construction projects located within areas at risk due to sea-level rise and establish a “significant flood damage” threshold for potentially at-risk structures or infrastructure Comments are due April 11, 2024.

California: Waste

The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery proposed amendments to regulations governing dealer registration and dealer cooperatives. The amendments would integrate dealer cooperatives into Chapter 5 by, among other things, defining terms, establishing registration processes, outlining redemption requirements, establishing processes for stewardship plans, and establishing enforcement measures. A hearing will be held April 30, 2024. Comments are due the same date.

Alaska: Water

The Department of Environmental Conservation proposed to reissue, without amendments, the Alaska Pollutant Discharge Elimination System general permit for facilities related to oil and gas exploration, production, and development in the North Slope Borough. The permit would reauthorize discharges from graywater, gravel pit dewatering, excavation dewatering, hydrostatic testing, stormwater, mobile spills response, and contained water. Comments are due April 19, 2024.