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89 FR 20928

FWS proposed to list the pygmy three-toed sloth as a threatened species under the ESA, with a rule issued under §4(d) of the Act. 

Oklahoma: Governance

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed amendments to regulations governing the Laboratory Accreditation Program. The amendments would, among other things, clarify program definitions, standardize language, simplify renewal and application processes, give additional flexibility to labs in selecting methods, simplify fee calculations, and reset the yearly accreditation period to run from January through December. A hearing will be held April 30, 2024. Comments are due April 15, 2024.

Oklahoma: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed amendments to the Permit By Rule (PBR) for the oil and natural gas sector. The amendments would allow for the use of legally and practicably enforceable (LPE) limits when determining a facility's eligibility for the PBR, clarifying source eligibility criteria for the PBR and ensuring that current PBR allows facilities potentially subject to the new source performance standards at 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Subpart OOOOb to take LPE limits to avoid applicability of the federal requirements for certain equipment.

Illinois: Water

The Environmental Protection Agency adopted amendments to regulations governing procedures for issuing loans from the Public Water Supply Loan Program. The amendments allow 30-year loans to all loan recipients, in alignment with the current standard under the FWPCA, add the definition of the Build America Buy America Act, and clarify that loan applicants will need to comply with the Act’s requirements where applicable.

Illinois: Water

The Environmental Protection Agency adopted amendments to regulations governing procedures for issuing loans from the Water Pollution Control Loan Program. The amendments allow 30-year loans to all loan recipients, add the definition of the Build America Buy America Act, and clarify that loan applicants will need to comply with the Act’s requirements where applicable.

Florida: Climate Change

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed amendments to regulations governing the Sea Level Impact Projection (SLIP) study. The amendments would, among other things, expand the scope of the SLIP study requirements for state-financed construction projects located within areas at risk due to sea-level rise and establish a “significant flood damage” threshold for potentially at-risk structures or infrastructure Comments are due April 11, 2024.