Cumulative Table of Cases

This database contains a complete listing of decisions published by ELR since the service began in 1971. To locate a decision, click on the letter that corresponds to the first letter of the court opinion you wish to access. Then click on the ELR citation to access the opinion and case details.

| ' | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Plum Creek Timber Co. v. Trout Unlimited
No. CV02-365-C-EJL
(D. Idaho March 2003)
33 ELR 20185
Plummer v. Fruitland, City of
No. 27999
(Idaho May 2003)
33 ELR 20192
Plymouth Village Water & Sewer District v. Scott
No. 217-2019-cv-00650
(N.H. Super. Ct. November 2019)
50 ELR 20194
PMC, Inc. v. Sherwin-Williams Co.
No. s. 97-2884, -3773
(7th Cir. July 1998)
28 ELR 21568
151 F.3d 610
47 ERC 1185
Pneumo Abex Corp. v. Bessemer & Lake Erie R.R.
No. 2:94cv716
(E.D. Va. March 1996)
26 ELR 21224
921 F. Supp. 336
43 ERC 1037
Pneumo Abex Corp. v. Bessemer & Lake Erie R.R.
No. 2:94cv716
(E.D. Va. September 1996)
27 ELR 20230
936 F. Supp. 1250
Pneumo Abex Corp. v. Bessemer & Lake Erie R.R.
No. 2:94cv716
(E.D. Va. September 1996)
27 ELR 20241
936 F. Supp. 1274
Pneumo Abex Corp. v. High Point, Thomasville & Denton R.R.
No. 97-1593 et al
(4th Cir. April 1998)
28 ELR 21261
142 F.3d 769
46 ERC 1481
Pocket Protectors v. Sacramento, City of
No. C046247
(Cal. App. 3d Dist. December 2004)
34 ELR 20150
POET Biorefining, LLC v. Environmental Protection Agency
No. 19-1139
(D.C. Cir. August 2020)
50 ELR 20192
Poet v. California Air Resources Board
No. F064045
(Cal. Ct. App. 5th Dist. July 2013)
43 ELR 20163
Pogliani v. Corps of Eng'rs
No. s. 01-6199(L), -6102(XAP)
(2d Cir. October 2002)
33 ELR 20068
306 F.3d 1235
Pokorny v. Costle
No. 78-0-474
(D. Neb. February 1979)
9 ELR 20330
464 F. Supp. 1273
12 ERC 1789
Polar Bear Endangered Species Act Listing
No. 08-764
(D.D.C. November 2010)
41 ELR 20008
Polar Bear Endangered Species Act Listing
No. 08-764
(D.D.C. October 2011)
41 ELR 20319
Polar Bear Endangered Species Act Listing
No. 08-764
(D.D.C. October 2011)
41 ELR 20318
Polar Bear Endangered Species Act Listing
No. 11-5353
(D.C. Cir. June 2013)
43 ELR 20132
Polar Bear Endangered Species Act Listing
No. 08-764
(D.D.C. June 2011)
41 ELR 20220
Polar Tankers, Inc. v. Valdez, City of
No. 08-310
(U.S. June 2009)
39 ELR 20131
Polcha v. AT&T Nassau Metals Corp.
No. 3:CV-93-0503
(M.D. Pa. October 1993)
24 ELR 20926
837 F. Supp. 94
Poletown Neighborhood Council v. Detroit, City of
No. 66294
(Mich. March 1981)
11 ELR 20778
304 N.W.2d 455
19 ERC 1972
Polger v. Republic Nat'l Bank
No. 88-C-295
(D. Colo. March 1989)
19 ELR 20938
709 F. Supp. 204
29 ERC 1479
Pollack v. Department of Justice
No. 08-3857
(7th Cir. August 2009)
39 ELR 20183
Pollinator Stewardship Council v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
No. 13-72346
(9th Cir. September 2015)
45 ELR 20167
Pollock v. Georgia Power Co.
No. s. 53499-501, 53549
(Ga. Ct. App. February 1977)
7 ELR 20481
234 S.E.2d 107
Pollution Control Indus. of Am., Inc. v. Reilly
No. 89 C 4036
(N.D. Ill. June 1989)
19 ELR 21344
715 F. Supp. 219
30 ERC 1230
Polygon Corp. v. Seattle, City of
No. 44536
(Wash. May 1978)
8 ELR 20561
578 P.2d 1309
11 ERC 1689
Pope Resources, LP v. Washington State Department of Natural Resources
No. 47861-7-II
(Wash. Ct. App. December 2016)
47 ELR 20006
Pope v. Atlanta, City of
No. C76-607A
(N.D. Ga. August 1976)
7 ELR 20044
418 F. Supp. 665
Port Allen Marine Servs. v. Chotin
No. 89-436-B
(M.D. La. June 1991)
21 ELR 21383
765 F. Supp. 887
33 ERC 1532
Port Arthur Community Action Network v. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
No. 22-60556
(5th Cir. November 2023)
54 ELR 20176
Port Auth. of N.Y. & N.J. v. Affiliated FM Ins. Co.
No. 01-2513
(3d Cir. November 2002)
33 ELR 20108
311 F.3d 226
Port Hamilton Refining and Transportation LLLP v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
No. 23-1094
(3d Cir. July 2023)
53 ELR 20115
Port of Corpus Christi Authority of Nueces County, Texas v. Port of Corpus Christi L.P.
No. 22-40124
(5th Cir. January 2023)
53 ELR 20009
Portela v. Pierce
No. 79-4002
(9th Cir. July 1981)
11 ELR 20792
650 F.2d 210
Porter County Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of Am. v. Atomic Energy Comm'n
No. 74-1751
(7th Cir. April 1976)
6 ELR 20463
533 F.2d 1011
9 ERC 1282