Cumulative Table of Cases

This database contains a complete listing of decisions published by ELR since the service began in 1971. To locate a decision, click on the letter that corresponds to the first letter of the court opinion you wish to access. Then click on the ELR citation to access the opinion and case details.

| ' | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Puget Soundkeeper Alliance v. Cruise Terminals of America LLC
No. C14-0476 JCC
(W.D. Wash. November 2015)
46 ELR 20231
Puget Soundkeeper Alliance v. Port of Tacoma
No. 21-35881, 21-35899, and 22-35061
(9th Cir. June 2024)
54 ELR 20086
Puget Soundkeeper Alliance v. Ranier Petroleum Corp.
No. 14-831
(W.D. Wash. October 2015)
45 ELR 20194
Puget Soundkeeper Alliance v. United States Environmental Protection Agency
No. 2:16-cv-00293
(W.D. Wash. August 2016)
46 ELR 20135
Puget Soundkeeper Alliance v. Wheeler
No. C15-1342-JCC
(W.D. Wash. November 2018)
49 ELR 20197
Puget Soundkeeper Alliance v. Wheeler
No. C15-1342-JCC
(W.D. Wash. November 2019)
50 ELR 20190
Puna Speaks v. Edwards
No. 82-0457
(D. Haw. December 1982)
13 ELR 20480
554 F. Supp. 117
18 ERC 2077
Puntenney v. Iowa Utilities Board
No. 17-0423
(Iowa May 2019)
49 ELR 20092
Pure Waters v. Michigan Dep't of Natural Resources
No. 94-CV-74869
(E.D. Mich. December 1994)
25 ELR 20804
873 F. Supp. 41
Pure Waters v. Michigan Dep't of Natural Resources
No. 94-74869
(E.D. Mich. April 1995)
25 ELR 21369
883 F. Supp. 199
Purse Seine Vessel Owners Ass'n v. Moos
No. 43938
(Wash. July 1977)
8 ELR 20091
Putting People First v. Babbitt
No. 93-001 (RCL)
(D.D.C. December 1993)
24 ELR 20657
838 F. Supp. 10
Puyallup Tribe of Indians v. Electron Hydro, LLC
No. C20-1864-JCC
(W.D. Wash. February 2024)
54 ELR 20027
Puyallup Tribe, Inc. v. Washington Dep't of Game
No. 76-423
(U.S. June 1977)
7 ELR 20558
433 U.S. 165
PVO Int'l, Inc. v. Drew Chem. Corp.
No. 87-3921
(D.N.J. June 1988)
19 ELR 20077
Pye v. Department of Transp. of Ga.
No. 74-3705
(5th Cir. May 1975)
5 ELR 20455
513 F.2d 290
7 ERC 2006
Pye v. United States
No. 98-2229
(4th Cir. October 2001)
32 ELR 20280
269 F.3d 459
Pymatuning Water Shed Citizens for a Hygienic Env't v. Eaton
No. 79-70 B Erie
(W.D. Pa. August 1980)
11 ELR 20498
506 F. Supp. 902
14 ERC 2094
Pymatuning Water Shed Citizens for a Hygienic Env't v. Eaton
No. 80-2433
(3d Cir. March 1981)
11 ELR 20790
644 F.2d 995
15 ERC 1937
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of Indians v. Department of the Navy
No. 88-1650
(9th Cir. March 1990)
20 ELR 20572
898 F.2d 1410
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of Indians v. Morton
No. 73-2184
(D.C. Cir. June 1974)
4 ELR 20660
499 F.2d 1095
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of Indians v. Morton
No. 2506-70
(D.D.C. June 1973)
3 ELR 20730
360 F. Supp. 669
4 ERC 1714
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of Indians v. Nevada
No. 11-16470 et al
(9th Cir. July 2013)
43 ELR 20172