
The court holds that a bankruptcy court correctly allowed a Chapter 7 trustee to abandon real property of the bankruptcy estate over a state environmental agency's objection. The agency…

The court holds that neither an amended Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) consent decree between a waste handler and the United States nor a previous…

The court affirms a bankruptcy court decision holding that the toxic tort claims brought by neighborhood plaintiffs against a bankrupt manufacturing facility had accrued prior to the bankruptcy…

The court holds that the federal courts can hear a trailer park association's claim that a local rent control ordinance regulating trailer parks effected an unconstitutional taking under the…

The court holds that the New Jersey Sewerage Authorities Law does not authorize a regional sewerage authority to charge a user already in the system an additional connection fee for increasing its…

The court holds that a railroad's motion to dismiss a power company's Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) cost recovery action against it for…

The court holds that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) regulations implementing Clean Air Act (CAA) amendments properly delegated to Native American nations authority to…

The court affirms a trial court's holdings regarding insurance coverage for an aluminurn producing company for environmental damage under comprehensive general liability (CGL) policies and…

The court denies a corporation's motion to reconsider a ruling that disputed issues of material fact exist as to whether the corporation's neighbor can claim an innocent landowner…

The court holds that title to the bed of the Kukpowruk River in Alaska did not pass from the federal government to the state of Alaska when Alaska became a state in 1959. In public land order (PLO…