
The court holds that a trial court improperly certified as a class residents of a community that alleged that several manufacturers contaminated a portion of their city's groundwater. The…

The court upholds a Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) decision denying an interest group's request to intervene in a nuclear power plant's license renewal proceeding. The court first…

The court denies petitions brought by three groups of individuals seeking to remand their claims for personal injury and wrongful death damages due to asbestos exposure. The petitioners'…

The court, applying Colorado law, reverses a district court decision holding that the pollution exclusion clause in one of two insurance policies held by a Colorado sanitation district precluded…

The court holds that the Eleventh Amendment does not bar the U.S. third-party claim against the state of Alaska for equitable apportionment of damages alleged in a Federal Tort Claims Act action…

The court holds that environmental groups have standing to bring a Clean Air Act (CAA) action against a Texas oil refinery for violating hydrogen and sulfur dioxide emission standards and further…

The court holds that the Federal Aviation Administration Authorization Act (FAAAA) preempts an Oregon county's and city's solid waste collection, storage, transport, and disposal…

The court upholds the dismissal of an aluminum corporation's suit seeking liability coverage from insurers for remediation costs due to cyanide contamination of groundwater at its Hannibal,…

The court holds that Nebraska, a host state for a regional disposal facility, does not have a unilateral right under the Central Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact to veto low-level…

The court holds that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) violated Safe Drinking Water Act §1412(b)(3)(A)'s statutory mandate to use the best available evidence when it implemented…