
The U.S. Supreme Court held, 6-3, that a small refinery that previously received a hardship exemption from renewable fuel requirements may obtain an "extension" even if it saw a lapse in…

The D.C. Circuit dismissed a nonprofit group's petition to review DOE's rule concerning the designation of critical electric infrastructure information. The group argued the rule…

The D.C. Circuit denied petitions to review three FERC orders concerning cost sharing for certain upgrades to the Mid-Atlantic electricity transmission grid. Petitioners argued the Commission…

The Maine Supreme Court held unconstitutional a state ballot initiative that proposed to reverse a Maine Public Utilities Commission order granting a certificate of public convenience and…

The D.C. Circuit denied petitions to review FERC's order prohibiting states from barring electric storage resources (ESRs) on their distribution and retail systems from participating in…

The Eighth Circuit upheld FERC's decision to place a Colorado energy wholesaler into Zone 17 of a regional transmission organization authorized by the Commission to provide electric…

The Kansas Supreme Court held unlawful a rate design approved by the Kansas Corporation Commission under which utilities charged residential customers generating their own electricity from a…

The Eighth Circuit upheld the dismissal of a constitutional challenge to Minnesota's right of first refusal (ROFR) law. An electric transmission company argued the law, which granted…

A district court held that a Texas right-of-first-refusal law giving existing electricity transmission providers in the state a preference to build and operate new lines is constitutional. An…

The Tenth Circuit vacated EPA orders that granted extensions of exemptions under the CAA's renewable fuels program for three small refineries. Industry groups challenged the orders, arguing…