
The D.C. Circuit dismissed electricity customers' petitions to review FERC's orders approving high clearing prices for future capacity to generate electricity in wholesale auctions. The…

The Fourth Circuit granted an oil refinery's petition to review EPA's decision denying the refinery an exemption from biofuel requirements under the Agency's renewable fuel standard…

Missouri's highest court reversed an order by the Missouri Public Service Commission denying a transmission company's application for a line certificate of convenience and necessity (CCN…

A Michigan appellate court reversed an order by the Michigan Public Service Commission requiring alternative energy suppliers in the Lower Peninsula to secure in-state generating capacity to…

The D.C. Circuit vacated a license renewal that FERC granted for a power plant on the Coosa River. Environmental groups argued that the agency violated the Federal Power Act, NEPA, and the ESA…

The Third Circuit vacated a lower court's dismissal of a company's claim that the Delaware River Basin Commission did not have authority to review the company's proposed fracking…

The Federal Circuit affirmed a lower court decision denying three Canadian solar manufacturers' and a U.S. importer's motion for preliminary injunction to bar the enforcement of…

The Ninth Circuit upheld the dismissal of shareholders' derivative action against a solar panel company for failing to disclose in financial statements and press releases the existence of…

A district court granted South Carolina's motion to preliminarily enjoin DOE from terminating a mixed-oxide fuel fabrication facility project currently under construction until the case can…

Pennsylvania's highest court largely upheld a temporary injunction enjoining the state environmental agency from enforcing certain regulations governing unconventional oil and gas operations…