Standing to sue

The court dismisses an individual's Clean Water Act (CWA) citizen suit against an electricity company for lack of standing. The individual claimed that a company violated the CWA by…

The court holds that an environmental group had standing under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to challenge the adequacy of the U.S. Navy's environmental impact statement (EIS)…

The court holds that a low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) facility developer lacks standing to challenge the Secretary of the Interior's rescission of its previous record of decision…

The court holds that individuals lack standing to bring a Clean Air Act (CAA) citizen suit against a petroleum refinery for failing to report certain CAA emissions violations from its catalyst…

The court denies environmental groups' motion to reopen a previous action and dismisses the groups' current action against the federal government in which the groups allege that the U.S…

The court vacates a portion of a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation in which it determined that oil-bearing wastewaters generated by the petroleum refining industry are solid…

The court holds that a lower court improperly dismissed a laundry detergent manufacturer's claim that an exclusive franchise agreement between a county and a solid waste handler violated the…

The court reverses and remands a trial court decision that water district residents did not have standing to challenge the district's settlement agreement with hog confinement facility…

The court holds that environmental groups have standing to bring a Clean Air Act (CAA) action against a Texas oil refinery for violating hydrogen and sulfur dioxide emission standards and further…

The court upholds a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) order and denies a gas pipeline operator's petition to review FERC's decision not to hold a comparative hearing before…