Standing to sue

The court holds that a hog producer lacks standing to challenge a Monroe County, Mississippi, ordinance regulating new and expanding swine farming in the county. The hog producer purchases hogs…

The court holds that a solid waste hauler has standing to bring a U.S. Commerce Clause claim against a waste district authority for instructing homeowners and commercial entities in the district…

The court holds that a waste haulers association has standing to assert a U.S. Commerce Clause claim against a district waste authority for enacting a system of flow control ordinances that…

The court reverses a district court decision that environmental groups failed to demonstrate injury-in-fact and, therefore, do not have standing to bring a citizen suit under the Clean Water Act…

The court holds that a Native American council and an environmental group lack standing under the Federal Power Act (FPA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to challenge a Federal…

The court holds that a timber association lacks standing under the National Forest Management Act (NFMA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to challenge the U.S. Forest Service'…

The court upholds two Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) orders that refused on standing grounds a radioactive waste disposal facility's request for hearing and intervention in the licensing…

The court holds that environmental groups have standing to bring suit against the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) for failing to redesignate critical habitat for the spikedace and loach…

The court holds that congressional representatives lack standing to sue to enjoin implementation of the President's American Heritage Rivers Initiative, which was established by executive…

The court holds that environmental groups lacked standing to pursue Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) claims against a smelting facility that allegedly violated its national pollutant…