Climate Change (generally)

The U.S. Supreme Court held, 7-1, that an appellate court erred in concluding it lacked jurisdiction to consider all of energy companies' grounds for removing to federal court a climate…

The D.C. Circuit denied an oil company's petition for permission to appeal a district court order remanding to a local District of Columbia court a climate change lawsuit brought against it…

The D.C. Circuit granted the Biden Administration's motion to voluntarily vacate and remand the Trump Administration's 2019 rule delaying implementation of an Obama-era regulation…

The D.C. Circuit granted the Biden Administration's motion to voluntarily vacate and remand the Trump Administration's 2021 rule limiting facilities that the U.S. government could…

The Second Circuit affirmed dismissal of a lawsuit seeking damages from oil companies for harms caused by climate change. New York City sued the companies under state tort law to recover damages…

A district court granted a state's motion to remand to state court a climate change lawsuit against oil and gas companies. Minnesota sued the companies in state court under state common law…

The Ninth Circuit denied oil companies' motions to stay a district court order remanding to state court two lawsuits alleging the companies concealed the dangers of fossil fuels to the…

A district court remanded to state court climate liability lawsuits brought by the city and county of Honolulu and the county of Maui against oil companies. The companies argued the suits should…

A Washington appellate court affirmed a lower court's dismissal of a lawsuit filed by young Washingtonians alleging a right to a clean environment and stable climate. Specifically, plaintiffs…

The First Circuit affirmed a district court order remanding to state court Rhode Island's climate change lawsuit against several oil companies. The companies argued that the suit was properly…