Climate Change (generally)

A district court dismissed a lawsuit brought by nonprofit groups and individuals alleging that climate change and the U.S. government's failure to protect them from the effects of climate…

A district court granted Rhode Island's motion to remand to state court a challenge against energy companies for contributing to climate change. The state argued its challenge should be…

A state district court dismissed a lawsuit brought by an automobile dealers' association challenging Colorado's adoption of California's low emission vehicle standard. The…

A district court dismissed a request to compel the State Department to release two reports concerning U.S. greenhouse gas emissions as required by the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change.…

A district court dismissed a lawsuit brought by an environmental group and two children challenging federal rollbacks of environmental regulations. The plaintiffs sought a declaration that the…

An Oregon appellate court upheld a lower court's finding that the public trust doctrine does not require the state to defend the environment from climate change. Plaintiff children had sought…

A district court dismissed a request by environmental groups to compel the State Department to release documents detailing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions as required by the U.N. Framework…

The U.S. Supreme Court denied the U.S. government's petition for a writ of mandamus in a lawsuit brought by a group of youths challenging the government's failure to act on climate…

A state court dismissed a lawsuit filed by a group of Alaskan youth alleging that the state has contributed to climate change through its actions with respect to fossil fuels and carbon emissions…

A Washington state court dismissed a lawsuit filed by young Washingtonians alleging a right to a clean environment and stable climate. Specifically, plaintiffs argued that the state should be…