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Coalition for Canyon Preservation v. Bowers

The district court rules that the doctrine of laches bars relief in a suit to enjoin construction of a four-lane highway segment leading into Glacier National Park. Plaintiff contended that the environmental impact statement (EIS) violated both the National Environmental Policy Act and the Montana E...

Coalition for Canyon Preservation v. Bowers

Reversing the district court, 11 ELR 20051, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rules that the environmental impact statement (EIS) for construction of a 10.8-mile, four-lane highway leading into Glacier National Park violates the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The suit is not barred by la...

Chesapeake Bay Found. v. Virginia State Water Control Bd.

The court rules that the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) does not authorize a federal court challenge to state issuance of a national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit. Pursuant to its authority to administer the NPDES program under the FWPCA, the Virginia State Water...

Farmland Preservation Ass'n v. Adams

The court finds that an environmental impact statement (EIS) prepared for the proposed construction of a 47.6-mile segment of I-380 in Iowa complies with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act and denies plaintiffs' request for injunctive relief. Emphasizing that its role is to re...

Minnesota v. Clover Leaf Creamery Co.

Reversing the Minnesota Supreme Court, 9 ELR 20739 (1979), the United States Supreme Court holds that a state ban on the retail sale of milk in plastic nonreturnable containers bears a rational relationship to the state's objective to foster greater use of environmentally desirable alternatives and ...

East Troy, Town of v. Soo Line R.R.

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals affirms a district court judgment awarding appellee municipality $500,000 in damages as a result of a toxic chemical spill from one of appellant's railroad cars. As a result of the spill, which the jury found to be negligently but not willfully caused, drinking w...

Green Mountain Grange No. One v. Goldschmidt

The court refuses to enjoin defendants from proceeding with the construction of a highway in Vermont, ruling that plaintiffs are unlikely to succeed on the merits of their claim that the environmental impact statement (EIS) prepared for the project did not adequately consider the environmental impac...

Concerned Citizens on I-190 v. Secretary of Transp.

Affirming the district court's denial of a preliminary injunction to halt further construction of a portion of Interstate 190 in Massachusetts, the First Circuit Court of Appeals rules that the environmental impact statement (EIS) adequately discussed the potential dangers to Boston's drinking water...

Chevron Chem. Co. v. Costle

The court denies plaintiff's request for injunctive relief and concludes that the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) does not preclude the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in reviewing a pesticide registration application, from using test data submitted prior to 1970 b...

Chevron Chem. Co. v. Costle

The court denies plaintiff's motion for an injunction pending appeal of its earlier decision, 11 ELR 20147. The court notes that plaintiff, as in its earlier motion, has failed to demonstrate a probability of success on the merits. Plaintiff's alleged irreparable harm is merely loss of an exclusive ...