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Sierra Club v. Union Oil Co. of Cal.

The court rules that a state-issued national pollutant discharge elimination system permit that does not excuse violations caused by "upsets" is nonetheless governed by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules excusing such violations where state law bars state requirements more stringent than th...

Lone Pine Steering Comm. v. EPA

Affirming the district court decision, 15 ELR 20109, the court rules that potentially responsible parties have no right to preenforcement judicial review of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) remedial actions identified in Records of Decision under §104 of the Comprehensive Environmental Respons...

Ouellette v. International Paper Co.

The court affirms a district court decision, 15 ELR 20377, that the Federal Water Pollution Control Act authorizes a tort action by Vermont residents for pollution from a New York facility to be brought under Vermont law, that the suit is not barred by settlement agreements in an earlier suit brough...

Ohio v. Ruckelshaus

The court rules that the Clean Air Act allows the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to include in a nonattainment area a county that does not violate an air quality standard, but includes significant sources of emissions of the precursors of the pollutant for which other counties in the same urb...

Illinois State Chamber of Commerce v. EPA

The court holds that the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) rejection of Illinois' proposal to redesignate two counties near Chicago, which contain significant sources of ozone precursors but do not violate the air quality standards for ozone, as attainment areas under Clean Air Act §107 was...

Newport Galleria Group v. Deland

The court holds that Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has power under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) §404(c) to veto a dredge and fill permit issued by the Corps of Engineers (Corps) and EPA's initiation of public hearings on proposed construction in Sweeden's Swamp, a wetland...

Massachusetts v. Pace

The court holds that the Massachusetts Oil and Hazardous Material Release Prevention Act (OHMRPA) allows recovery for preenactment response costs and that the state may seek recovery under a special act authorizing cleanup at this particular site, but also holds that the defendant is not liable unde...

Student Pub. Interest Research Group of N.J. v. Georgia-Pacific Corp.

In a Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) citizen enforcement suit, the court holds that plaintiffs may seek civil penalties and novel injunctive relief for past violations of a discharge permit, even though government enforcement agencies have closely monitored defendant's discharges and opt...

Sierra Club v. Block

The court holds that the Forest Service's southern pine beetle infestation control program for wilderness areas in Texas satisfies National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements, but that the Service violated its own guidelines for beetle-control cutting in such areas. The court rules that th...

Organized Fishermen of Fla. v. Hodel

The court holds that fishermen have no vested third-party beneficiary property rights in commercial fishing in Everglades National Park, that the National Park Service (NPS) was not estopped from enforcing regulations prohibiting commercial fishing, and that the NPS did not act arbitrarily and capri...