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Honchok v. Hardin

Venue in the U.S. District Court (D. Md.) does not lie for an action to enjoin the Secretary of Agriculture from permitting road construction, prospecting or mining in the Challis National Forest by a corporation which owns mineral rights within the forest. The suit is against the Secretary in his o...

Enquist v. Quaker Oats Co.

Plaintiffs' suit for violation of §13 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, 33 U.S.C. §407, is dismissed on defendants' motion because the Act does not expressly permit a person seeking the informer's fees to maintain a qui tam action for violation of the statute. Plaintiffs' request for injuncti...

Hannifin v. Morton

Secretary of Interior may validly impose 25 cents per-acre rental fee as condition to issuance of prospecting permit on federally owned sulphur lands despite fact that lease application was filed before fee announced or contemplated. Secretary has both statutory authority and authority implied by hi...

Wildlife Preserves, Inc. v. Volpe

The provision of the federal Department of Transportation Act, designed to protect parklands, recreational areas, wildlife refuges and historic sites, originally effective April 1, 1967, is not applicable to a federal aid highway for which "contract drawings" were approved by DOT on Nov. 18, 1966. F...

Guthrie v. Alabama By-Products Co.

Plaintiffs' action alleging injury to riparian rights by upstream industrial polluters is dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction because the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, 33 U.S.C. §407, does not create a federal cause of action to protect a private right unrelated to navigation or anc...

Gibson v. Ruckelshaus

Plaintiff landowners granted a preliminary injunction barring further court condemnation proceedings in which their land is sought for use as the site for a sewage disposal plant for the city of Lufkin, Texas. Defendant Ruckelshaus is enjoined, pending the outcome of the suit, from committing federa...

United States v. U.S. Steel Corp.

Motion to dismiss an action brought by information for dumping refuse in navigable waters denied. Willfullness and obstruction of navigation are not essential elements for a cause of action under the Refuse Act, 33 U.S.C. §407. Compliance with a water standard set up under the Water Pollution Contr...

Bass Anglers Sportsman Soc'y of Am. v. Scholze Tannery

Provisions in Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 awarding individual one-half criminal fine imposed upon polluter his information helped convict does not afford individual right to maintain civil qui tam action for the reward in face of U.S. Attorney's unwillingness to bring action against alleged pollu...

In re Cross-Florida Barge Canal

Suit brought by conservation organization seeking injunction against construction of the Cross-Florida Barge Canal is consolidated with the suit brought by the Canal Authority of Florida to enjoin the enforcement of the Presidential Order which suspended Canal construction. While the legal issues in...

Gerbing v. ITT Rayonier

Even if the government has failed to act, the Refuse Act does not authorize a civil qui tam action by a private party aimed at imposing criminal penalties on a suspected polluter.
Counsel for Plaintiff:S. Gordon BlalockBlalock, Holbrook, Lewis, Paul & Bennet730 American Heritage Life Building11...