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National Audubon Soc'y v. Volpe

A previous ruling that the Secretary of Transportation can delegate his responsibility for preparing an impact statement under NEPA to a state highway department is vacated. In the final order, defendants consent to alter the proposed route of the interstate highway in question. See amending memoran...

Kings County Economic Dev. Ass'n v. Hardin

An action brought under the National Environmental Policy Act to compel the Department of Agriculture to deny federal subsidies to farmers using pesticides and fertilizers that pollute well water is dismissed. There is no need for an impact statement since there is no federal action in the private u...

Sierra Club v. Los Angeles

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), patterned after NEPA, applies to a city's project to acquire land for the proposed Palmdale airport, even though acquisition was instituted prior to passage of the Act. Acquisition may continue, but demolition and construction cannot begin until the c...

Jones v. Lynn

NEPA does not apply to an ongoing Urban Renewal Plan approved by HUD in 1967 even though the loan interest rate and funding grant of the project were increased after January 1, 1970, since this did not constitute major federal action. NEPA was not intended to apply retroactively where the federal go...

Jones v. Lynn

NEPA applies to an ongoing Urban Renewal Plan approved by HUD in 1967 if there has been major federal action since 1970, or if HUD can exercise discretionary power under the basic contract to significantly alter the course or timing of the development, or if there is a reasonable expectation of furt...

Askew v. American Waterways Operators, Inc.

The Supreme Court upholds a Florida statute that imposes strict liability for any damage incurred by the state or private persons from oil spills in the state's territorial waters. The statute covers spills resulting from any waterfront facility used for drilling oil or handling the transfer or stor...

Natural Resources Defense Council v. EPA

The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency erred in approving the air pollution implementation plans submitted by Rhode Island and Massachusetts in satisfaction of Clean Air Act requirements. The court finds the Rhode Island plan deficient because (1) it fails to provide for required r...

United States v. Pennsylvania Indus. Chem. Corp.

The absence of formalized permit procedures does not relieve polluters of the necessity of obtaining permission from the Secretary of the Army before discharging pollutants in violation of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. The Supreme Court holds that the Act's prohibitions apply to all discharges...

New York, City of v. Ruckelshaus

The 1972 Amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act require the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to allot among the states the entire $11 billion authorized by Congress for fiscal years 1973 and 1974. All orders and regulations directing the impoundment of portions of ...

United States v. Joseph G. Moretti, Inc.

The Fifth Circuit modifies the decision of the district court, which ordered the defendant Moretti to remove 400,000 cubic yards of dredge and fill material, because he had not obtained the necessary permit under §3 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Despite Moretti's flagrant violation of the ...