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Natural Resources Defense Council v. EPA

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals declines to award attorney fees to public interest plaintiffs in a suit which resulted in EPA's promulgating regulations governing the use of lead additives in gasoline pursuant to §211 of the Clean Air Act. Section 304(d) of the statute authorizes an award of atto...

Natural Resources Defense Council v. Morton

The court rules that the Bureau of Land Management's programmatic environmental impact statement for its livestock-grazing permit program under the Taylor Grazing Act is not sufficient, alone, to comply with the requirements of NEPA. BLM must therefore prepare additional impact statements that discu...

United States v. Diamond

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals affirms a lower court's issuance of a permanent injunction against the filling of certain tidal marshlands. Defendant has made no clear showing that the district court erred in finding the creek which adjoins the marshland navigable in fact, or in determining that ...

Metropolitan Wash. Coalition for Clean Air v. District of Columbia

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals reverses a lower court ruling granting summary judgment against plaintiffs who sought to close down a municipal incinerator. Two City Council-approved postponements of the scheduled July 4, 1973, closing date for the incinerator did not constitute valid revisions of...

Portland Cement Ass'n v. Train

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals holds valid EPA's stationary source standards, promulgated under §111 of the Clean Air Act, for new or modified Portland cement plants. The Administrator's response to the court's earlier remand order adequately reconsiders and clarifies those matters that the cour...

Nader v. NRC

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals upholds an Atomic Energy Commission order denying plaintiff's request for a shutdown or derating of 20 nuclear power plants on the basis of the alleged inadequacy of Interim Acceptance Criteria (IAC) for emergency core cooling systems. The order is neither arbitrary...

United States v. Sexton Cove Estates, Inc.

In an action brought under the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, the court orders a developer who commenced canal building and modification without a Corps of Engineers permit to restore preexisting canals to their original depth, plug and fill in those canals it has constructed, and replant the mangr...

Swain v. Brinegar

The court holds that an environmental impact statement (EIS) prepared for a federal-aid highway project is defective in that it lacks a sufficiently detailed consideration of all reasonable alternatives and was produced by the state Department of Transportation rather than the responsible federal of...

National Wildlife Fed'n v. Morton

The Bureau of Land Management's regulations governing the use of off-road vehicles (ORVs) on public lands administered by the agency fail to comply with the requirements of Executive Order No 11644 and NEPA. By designating all otherwise unrestricted public lands as "open" use areas, BLM has violated...

Louisiana v. Train

The United States Court of Appeals has exclusive jurisdiction to hear plaintiff's challenge to the EPA Administrator's refusal to grant an emergency exemption for the use of DDT on the cotton budworm in Louisiana. The Administrator's decision to deny an exemption was made after an informal public he...