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Inyo, County of v. Yorty

The city of Los Angeles is required by the California Environmental Quality Act to file an Environmental Impact Report on its expanded groundwater extraction program in Owens Valley. Although the city has been removing water from the valley since 1913 and had constructed a second aqueduct prior to t...

Scientists' Inst. for Pub. Info. v. Atomic Energy Comm'n

The Atomic Energy Commission must file a programmatic environmental impact statement assessing the cumulative effects of the overall Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor program separate from statements evaluating individual test projects. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 was intended to r...

SCRAP v. United States

A three-judge federal court grants a temporary restraining order enjoining the ICC and the railroads from enforcing an increased permanent freight rate on goods shipped by rail for the purposes of recycling. The court finds sufficient likelihood that plaintiffs will prevail on the merits, that irrep...

United States v. SCRAP

An environmental group is sufficiently aggrieved by the temporary rate increase allowed by the ICC on the rail shipment of recycled goods to have standing, but the district court lacks the power to interfere with the Commission's discretionary decision or to suspend the rate increase itself. The all...

James River & Kanawha Canal Parks, Inc. v. Richmond Metro. Auth.

A state-funded inner city expressway does not become a federal project for NEPA purposes solely because state officials have failed to foreclose their option to acquire federal funding in the future, or because a connecting highway is federally funded. This is true despite the state highway commissi...

Maine v. M/V Tomano

The state of Maine may bring suit in its parens patriae capacity to recover damages resulting from the discharge of oil into Casco Bay. The state has an independent interest in the quality of her coastal waters sufficient to justify a parens patriae suit. See Hawaii v. Standard Oil of California, 2 ...

Stock v. State

The president of a corporation was properly convicted of a criminal violation of the Alaskan antipollution statute for allowing raw sewage from a corporation-owned trailer park to flow into state waters. The statute is not unconstitutionally vague, nor are its penalty provisions in violation of equa...

Natural Resources Defense Council v. EPA

The court dismisses petitions to review on the ground that petitioners have no standing to challenge the Administrator's approval under the Clean Air Act of portions of the implementation plans of Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. A petition that does not contain any allegation of injury-in-fact to pe...

Rucker v. Willis

The Corps of Engineers is not required to file an environmental impact statement under §102(2)(C) of NEPA when issuing a dredging and pier building permit allowing the construction by private parties of a boating and fishing marina. Review of an application for permission to proceed with an activit...

Natural Resources Defense Council v. Fri

Plaintiff and defendant Acting Administrator of EPA agree on revised timetable for EPA compliance with mandate of Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. EPA adopts policy of 30 days' public notice of proposed agency actions. See Comment, Settlement Fixes Deadlines for EPA Compliance...