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Idaho: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality adopted amendments to rules governing the control of air pollution in Idaho. The amendments update federal regulations incorporated by reference as mandated by EPA for approval of Idaho’s Title V Operating Permit Program as well as citations to other federal regulations necessary to retain state primacy of CAA programs. See (p. 247).

Delaware: Climate Change

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control adopted amendments to regulations governing the Low Emission Vehicle Program.

Connecticut: Energy

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection proposed amendments to regulations governing the use and control of radioactive materials. The amendments would modernize the regulations to be consistent with NRC standards, establish a more uniform regulatory framework, and add civil penalties for violations related to sources of ionizing radiation. A hearing will be held January 17, 2024. Comments are due January 19, 2024.

California: Climate Change

The Air Resources Board proposed to amend motorcycle emission standards and test procedures and to adopt new on-board diagnostics and zero emission motorcycle requirements.

88 FR 85511

SIP Approval: Colorado (disapproval of revisions to reasonably available control technology requirements for the 2008 eight-hour ozone NAAQS in the Denver Metro/North Front Range nonattainment area).  

88 FR 85654

United States v. R.J. Torching, Inc., No. 23-CV-13056 (E.D. Mich. Dec. 4, 2023). Under a proposed consent decree, a settling CAA defendant must perform injunctive relief and pay a $150,000 penalty for violations of regulations that limit particulate matter pollution from the defendant’s torch-cutting operations in Flint and (previously) Battle Creek, Michigan. 

88 FR 85530

EPA proposed to establish new and revised human health water quality criteria for certain pollutants in the state of Florida.