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District of Columbia: Air

The Department of Energy and Environment proposed amendments to regulations governing the removal of Title V emergency affirmative defense provisions. The amendments would remove language related to emergency affirmative defenses to comply with EPA’s 2023 rulemaking that removed all emergency affirmative defense provisions from the CAA Title V program. Comments are due August 5, 2024.

Connecticut: Waste

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection proposed amendments to regulations governing USTs. The amendments would amend definitions, clarify statutory requirements for tank construction, require owners and operators to conduct annual inspections, require certain UST system components to be upgraded within specific time frames, extend tank life expectancy from 30 to 45 years, and add a new civil penalties schedule. A hearing will be held July 30, 2024. Comments are due August 12, 2024.

Colorado: Water

The Water Quality Control Commission proposed amendments to regulations governing 401 certification and water quality civil penalty inflation adjustment. The amendments would include clarifying edits, incorporate additional information by reference, provide more details on water quality certification applications and requirements, and adjust the 2025 maximum penalty to $64,326. A hearing will be held October 15, 2024. Comments are due October 2, 2024.

Alabama: Waste

The Department of Environmental Management proposed amendments to regulations governing solid waste program permitting, public notice, and hearings. The amendments would make general needed updates, such as changing references to outdated forms and language. A hearing will be held August 8, 2024. Comments are due the same date. See

Alabama: Waste

The Department of Environmental Management proposed amendments to regulations governing landfills. The amendments would revise provisions concerning general operation standards for landfill units, specific requirements for municipal solid waste landfills, and specific requirements for inter-construction/demolition landfills and industrial landfills. A hearing will be held August 8, 2024. Comments are due the same date.

Alabama: Waste

The Department of Environmental Management proposed amendments to regulations governing requirements for Tank Trust Fund coverage of response action costs for UST and above-ground storage tank systems. The amendments would update the requirements for fund coverage of emergency response action costs and increase the additional expenditures amount to $150,000. A hearing will be held August 8, 2024. Comments are due the same date.

89 FR 57361

SIP Approval: Connecticut (updates to motor vehicle emission regulations to adopt California’s Advanced Clean Car I program).