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North Dakota: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to amend existing rules and adopt new rules concerning solid waste management and land protection.

Mississippi: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to adopt a new Section 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies. The new list would replace the previous version and identify waters within the state for which recent monitoring and assessment have found pollutant specific impairment and for which TMDLs are not yet completed. A hearing will be held March 18, 2024. See

89 FR 9850

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement under CERCLA for recovery of past response costs concerning the Milwaukee Die Casting Site in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

Maine: Climate Change

The Department of Environmental Protection adopted amendments to regulations governing the tracking and reporting of gross and net annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The amendments revise the methods for calculating gross and net annual GHG emissions in the state for the purpose of assessing attainment of the reduction requirements set out at Me. Stat. tit. 38, §576-A(1), (2) and (3). See

89 FR 9866

United States v. 1500 South Tibbs LLC, No. 1:24-cv-235 (S.D. Ind. Feb. 5, 2024). Under a proposed consent decree, a settling CERCLA defendant must pay the United States a total of $112,805.24 for EPA’s response costs, pay the state of Indiana a total of $21,061.53 for its past response costs, pay future response costs incurred by the United States and the state, and perform remedial work in connection with the Reilly Tar and Chemical Superfund Site in Indianapolis, Indiana.