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The Clean Water Act of 1977: Congress Passes "Mid-Course Correction" Amendments to the FWPCA

After a protracted conference reminiscent of the deadlock that preceded enactment of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977, Congress has finally passed a compromise set of revisions1 to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (FWPCA).2 The conference report was filed on December 6,3 and both houses approved the measure on December 15, 1977 and sent it to the White House for President Carter's signature.

The Selection of an Alaskan Natural Gas Pipeline: A Preliminary Appraisal

On November 8, 1977, President Carter signed into law a joint congressional resolution1 ratifying his selection of a proposal by the Alcan Company to construct a pipeline to transport natural gas from Alaska's North Slope to the lower 48 states. This event marked the culmination of a new and complex procedure established by the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 (ANGTA)2 to facilitate the identification of the most advantageous means of tapping this important new energy source.

Is NEPA Inherently Self-Defeating?

Although the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) has been widely acclaimed as an instrument of decisionmaking reform, doubts have periodically been expressed regarding its effectiveness.1 No legislation, however well intentioned or successful, should be exempt from periodic reexamination. Some criticisms of NEPA have been well-founded—prompting improvements in its implementation—but other criticisms have faulted the Act itself, claiming it to be counter-productive in relation to the purposes for which it was enacted.

The Tax Treatment of the Donation of Easements in Scenic and Historic Property

An easement is a limited right, granted by the owner of real property, to use all or part of his property for specific purposes. A traditional legal use of an easement, for example, has been for owner A, on whose property a stream flows, to allow neighbor B to cross A's property in order to take water from A's stream.

96th Congress, 1st Session: Environmental Issues in Limbo

From an environmental perspective, the midterm record of the 96th Congress was notable less for its achievements than as convincing evidence that the climate of concern and commitment to protection that led to a surge in environmental legislation in the early part of the 1970s has drastically changed. There is a certain irony in this shift because it comes at a time when continuing and newly recognized threats to environmental integrity beset the country as never before.

Calm After the Storm: Grandmother of Environmental Lawsuits Settled by Mediation

After more than a decade of litigation-intensive environmental controversies, environmental groups and their opponents have begun to look for alternative means of settling disputes. Formal litigation can be so burdensome and take so long to resolve that it may present one of the least efficient and least effective means of obtaining relief. Mediation, a technique that is in a relatively early stage of development in environmental disputes, is emerging as one promising method of conflict resolution.

Superfund at Square One: Promising Statutory Framework Requires Forceful EPA Implemetation

Over the last several years, public attention has focused increasingly on the risks associated with hazardous wastes and other toxic substances. Incidents of environmental contamination at locales such as Love Canal, New York, Toone, Tennessee, and Gray, Maine, have fueled the controversy and have led to claims that releases of toxic substances and hazardous wastes constitute a serious threat to public health and the environment. Indeed, as reports of such incidents have mounted,1 so have the estimated costs of addressing the problem.

Supplemental EIS Mandated for Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway

The National Environmental Policy Act's (NEPA's) requirement that environmental impact statements (EISs) be prepared for "major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment"1 has been well defined by the courts and is now a fact of life with which federal agencies routinely contend. Less well defined or accepted, however, is the requirement that impact statements be supplemented when important new information comes to light or when a project has been modified such that the original EIS is rendered inadequate.

D.C. Circuit Upholds NSPS for Coal-Fired Plants, Ratifies White House, Congressional Input Into Rulemaking

In June 1979, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promulgated new source performance standards (NSPS) to control particulate and sulfur dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants. In Sierra Club v. Costle,1 decided in April 1981, the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the standards against an array of substantive and procedural challenges by both industry and environmental groups.

Section 404 Permit Program Survives Legal Challenges, Faces Congressional and Administrative Review

Federal jurisdiction over and protection of the nation's wetlands and navigable waters, long a source of spirited litigation, continues to give rise to litigation involving knotty legal issues and heated legislative debate. The large number of decisions to have appeared in recent issues of the Reporter show, not surprisingly, continued controversy over jurisdictional issues. Avoyelles Sportsmen's League v.