A Conceptual Framework for an Acid Rain Control Program

April 1989
ELR 10166
Larry Banks Blackwood

The long national debate on the acid rain problem may be approaching a turning point. President Bush and his EPA Administrator, William Reilly, have stated their belief that the time has come to take action. The new Senate majority leader, George Mitchell of Maine, is one of the leading advocates in Congress for acid rain control. The ten-year National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) is nearing its conclusion. These developments may shift the focus of the national debate from whether there should be a new acid rain control program to how that program should be designed.

Numerous acid rain program designs have been proposed in the attempt to find a politically acceptable compromise. The design selected will have major consequences long after a program is enacted, however. It will be a key factor in the ultimate success or failure of implementation of the program by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the states, the courts, and the private sector.

Mr. Blackwood, a graduate of Stanford Law School and the North Carolina State University School of Engineering, is presently an attorney in the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Monitoring of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. From 1984 to 1988, he worked on acid rain policy and implementation issues in EPA's Office of Air and Radiation. Previously, he was an Assistant Attorney General practicing environmental law for the state of Illinois, and a consultant on environmental and energy policy. The author would like to thank Brian McLean, David Bassett, Eleanor Leonard, and Ernestine Hall of the Environmental Protection Agency for their invaluable help in formulating the ideas in this article. The views expressed are those of the author, and do not represent the position of the Environmental Protection Agency.

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