Biotechnology and the Environment: The Regulation of Genetically Engineered Organisms Used in the Environment

November 1989
ELR 10485
ABA Standing Committee on Environmental Law

Keynote Address

Laying the Groundwork: The Techniques and Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology

Federal, State, and Local Regulation of Biotechnology

Current Models of Risk Assessment Used in Biotechnology Regulation

USDA's Regulation of Genetically Engineered Plants, Microorganisms, and Veterinary Biological Products

Current Litigation Issues Associated With Biotechnology

Panel Discussion: Enforcement of Regulations

International Aspects of Biotechnology and Its Use in the Environment

Intellectual Property Rights in the Biotechnology Field

Panel Discussion: Current and Future Uses of Biotechnology

Biotechnology and the Environment: Ethical and Cultural Considerations

Copyright © 1989 American Bar Association. This conference report was produced by the ABA Standing Committee on Environmenal Law with the assistance of the Environmental Law Reporter. It is printed with permission and is separately published by the Standing Committee. The views set out in this report have not been considered by the ABA House of Delegates and do not constitute the position of the American Bar Association. ISBN No. 0-89707-402-5. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 88-82966.