Recent Federal Bills

Below are summaries of Bills Introduced, Committee Reports, Chamber Actions, and Public Laws reported in the most recent issue of ELR's Weekly Update.

would authorize the Secretary of Interior to carry out projects and conduct research on water resources in the Hudson-Mohawk River Basin and establish a Hudson-Mohawk River Basin Commission.

would direct the Secretary of the Interior to establish a grant program to eradicate non-native constrictor snakes from ecosystems in which they exist in sustainable populations.

would amend TSCA relating to lead-based paint renovation and remodeling activities.

would modify the boundary of Yosemite National Park.

would amend the Whaling Convention Act to require the Secretary of Commerce to authorize aboriginal subsistence whaling and set aboriginal subsistence catch limits for bowhead whales in the event the Commission fails to adopt such limits.

would seek to improve hydropower.

would amend the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to add New York to the New England Fishery Management Council.

would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the publicly traded partnership ownership structure to energy power generation projects and transportation fuels.

would amend the Federal Power Act to remove FERC's authority to collect land use fees for land that has been sold, exchanged, or otherwise transferred from federal ownership but that is subject to a power site reservation.

would amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to reauthorize the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Restoration Program.