Recent Federal Bills

Below are summaries of Bills Introduced, Committee Reports, Chamber Actions, and Public Laws reported in the most recent issue of ELR's Weekly Update.

would make a technical amendment to the T'uf Shur Bien Preservation Trust Area Act.

would establish Coltsville National Historical Park in the state of Connecticut.

would facilitate a land exchange involving certain National Forest System lands in the Inyo National Forest.

would amend the Federal Power Act to permit states to exempt projects from certain Federal Energy Regulatory Commission considerations in issuing licenses for such projects.

would prohibit royalty incentives for deepwater drilling.

would provide for the conservation and development of water and related resources, and authorize the Secretary of the Army to construct various projects for improvements to rivers and harbors of the United States.

would amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate segments of the Molalla River in the State of Oregon, as components of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.

would direct the Administrator of EPA to allow for the distribution, sale, and consumption in the United States of remaining inventories of over-the-counter CFC epinephrine inhalers.

would amend the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to provide that Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida have exclusive fishery management authority over reef fish in the Gulf of Mexico in waters that, on average, are 20 fathoms or less in depth.

would amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to make technical corrections to the segment designations for the Chetco River, Oregon.