Cumulative Table of Cases

This database contains a complete listing of decisions published by ELR since the service began in 1971. To locate a decision, click on the letter that corresponds to the first letter of the court opinion you wish to access. Then click on the ELR citation to access the opinion and case details.

| ' | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Westside Property Owners v. Schlesinger
No. Civ. 75-26 PHX (WEC)
(D. Ariz. June 1976)
6 ELR 20798
415 F. Supp. 1298
10 ERC 1570
Westside Property Owners v. Schlesinger
No. 77-1217
(9th Cir. May 1979)
9 ELR 20432
597 F.2d 1214
13 ERC 1140
Westvaco Corp. v. EPA
No. s. 89-2180, -2181
(4th Cir. February 1990)
20 ELR 20816
899 F.2d 1383
Westwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. National Fuel Gas Distribution Corp.
No. 91-9157
(2d Cir. March 1992)
22 ELR 20813
964 F.2d 85
34 ERC 1985
Wetlands Action Network v. Corps of Eng'rs
No. 98-56242 et al
(9th Cir. August 2000)
31 ELR 20051
222 F.3d 1105
51 ERC 1257
Weyerhaeuser Co. v. Costle
No. 76-1674
(D.C. Cir. September 1978)
9 ELR 20284
590 F.2d 1011
Weyerhaeuser Co. v. Koppers Co.
No. R-89-261
(D. Md. February 1991)
22 ELR 20163
771 F. Supp. 1406
33 ERC 1907
Weyerhaeuser Co. v. Koppers Co.
No. R-89-261
(D. Md. August 1991)
22 ELR 20168
771 F. Supp. 1420
33 ERC 1919
Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Co. v. Stoneway Concrete, Inc.
No. 47433-8
(Wash. December 1981)
12 ELR 20603
637 P.2d 647
Weymouth v. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
No. 19-1794
(1st Cir. June 2020)
50 ELR 20140
Weymouth, Massachusetts v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
No. 17-1135
(D.C. Cir. December 2018)
49 ELR 20003
Weymouth, Town of v. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
No. 19-1794
(1st Cir. August 2020)
50 ELR 20213
Whale and Dolphin Conservation v. National Marine Fisheries Service
No. 21-cv-112 (APM)
(D.D.C. November 2021)
52 ELR 20195
Wheaton Indus. v. EPA
No. 85-5524
(3d Cir. January 1986)
16 ELR 20260
781 F.2d 354
23 ERC 1961
Wheaton Indus. v. EPA
No. 84-4330 (SSB)
(D.N.J. July 1985)
15 ELR 20959
759 F.2d 449
23 ERC 1134
Wheelabrator Baltimore, L.P. v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
No. GLR-19-1264
(D. Md. March 2020)
50 ELR 20076
Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corp. v. EPA
No. 5:85-CV-124
(N.D. W. Va. April 1997)
27 ELR 21174
965 F. Supp. 852
Whitaker Corp. v. American Nuclear Insurers
No. 07-10515
(D. Mass. December 2009)
39 ELR 20289
Whitaker Corp. v. American Nuclear Insurers
No. 07-10515
(D. Mass. December 2009)
40 ELR 20289
White & Brewer Trucking, Inc. v. Donley
No. 95-3224
(C.D. Ill. February 1997)
27 ELR 20883
952 F. Supp. 1306
White Earth Nation v. Kerry
No. 14-4726
(D. Minn. December 2015)
46 ELR 20236
White Fence Farm, Inc. v. Land & Lakes Co.
No. 16673
(Ill. App. Ct. August 1981)
12 ELR 20051
424 N.E.2d 1370
16 ERC 1477
White Plains Housing Authority v. BP Products North America Inc.
No. 17-cv-6250 (NSR)
(S.D.N.Y. August 2020)
50 ELR 20211
White Stallion Energy Center, LLC v. Environmental Protection Agency
No. 12-1100
(D.C. Cir. April 2014)
44 ELR 20088
White Tanks Concerned Citizens, Inc. v. Strock
No. 07-15659
(9th Cir. April 2009)
39 ELR 20096
White v. Newberry, County of
No. s. 92-1430, -1503
(4th Cir. February 1993)
23 ELR 21215
985 F.2d 168
White v. United States
No. 09-3158
(6th Cir. April 2010)
40 ELR 20118
White v. United States Army Corps of Engineers
No. 3:22-cv-06143-JSC
(N.D. Cal. October 2023)
54 ELR 20167
White v. United States Army Corps of Engineers
No. 22-cv-06143-JSC
(N.D. Cal. March 2023)
53 ELR 20038
White v. United States Army Corps of Engineers
No. 22-cv-06143-JSC
(N.D. Cal. May 2024)
54 ELR 20073
White v. United States Environmental Protection Agency
No. 2:24-CV-00013-BO
(E.D.N.C. June 2024)
54 ELR 20089
Whitehead v. Allied Signal, Inc.
No. 98-6305
(10th Cir. December 1998)
29 ELR 20422
166 F.3d 350
Whiteman v. Chesapeake Appalachia, L.L.C.
No. 12-1790
(4th Cir. September 2013)
43 ELR 20205
Whitewater Draw Natural Resource Conservation District v. Mayorkas
No. 20-55777
(9th Cir. July 2021)
51 ELR 20140
Whitlock v. Pepsi Ams.
No. C08-2742
(N.D. Cal. January 2010)
40 ELR 20035
Whitlock v. Pepsi Ams., Inc.
No. 08-02742
(N.D. Cal. October 2009)
39 ELR 20253