Cumulative Table of Cases

This database contains a complete listing of decisions published by ELR since the service began in 1971. To locate a decision, click on the letter that corresponds to the first letter of the court opinion you wish to access. Then click on the ELR citation to access the opinion and case details.

| ' | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Northern Alaska Environmental Center v. U.S. Department of the Interior
No. 19-35008
(9th Cir. July 2020)
50 ELR 20169
Northern Alaska Environmental Center v. United States Department of the Interior
No. 3:18-cv-00030-SLG
(D. Alaska December 2018)
49 ELR 20202
Northern Alaska Envtl. Ctr. v. Hodel
No. J85-009 CIV
(D. Alaska July 1985)
15 ELR 21048
Northern Alaska Envtl. Ctr. v. Hodel
No. 86-3535
(9th Cir. October 1986)
17 ELR 20015
803 F.2d 466
Northern Alaska Envtl. Ctr. v. Hodel
No. J85-009 CIV
(D. Alaska December 1985)
16 ELR 20244
Northern Alaska Envtl. Ctr. v. Kempthorne
No. 05-35085
(9th Cir. July 2006)
36 ELR 20141
Northern Alaska Envtl. Ctr. v. Lujan
No. 88-3819
(9th Cir. April 1989)
19 ELR 20865
872 F.2d 901
Northern Alaska Envtl. Ctr. v. Lujan
No. 91-35296
(9th Cir. April 1992)
22 ELR 21287
961 F.2d 886
Northern Arapahoe Tribe v. Hodel
No. 85-1007
(10th Cir. January 1987)
17 ELR 20682
808 F.2d 741
Northern Border Pipeline Co. v. Jackson County
No. 3-81-165
(D. Minn. May 1981)
11 ELR 20791
512 F. Supp. 1261
Northern Cal. Power Agency v. Morton
No. 74-617
(D.D.C. February 1975)
5 ELR 20719
396 F. Supp. 1187
Northern Cal. River Watch v. Healdsburg, City of
No. 04-1544
(9th Cir. August 2006)
36 ELR 20163
Northern Cal. River Watch v. Healdsburg, City of
No. 04-15442
(9th Cir. August 2007)
37 ELR 20202
Northern Cal. River Watch v. Wilcox
No. 08-15780
(9th Cir. August 2010)
40 ELR 20233
Northern California River Watch v. Wilcox
No. 08-15780
(9th Cir. January 2011)
41 ELR 20084
Northern Cheyenne Tribe v. Hodel
No. 86-4389
(9th Cir. March 1988)
18 ELR 20865
851 F.2d 1152
Northern Cheyenne Tribe v. Norton
No. s. 05-35408 et al
(9th Cir. September 2007)
37 ELR 20227
Northern Colo. Conservancy Dist. v. Board of City Comm'rs
No. 79-K-1767
(N.D. Colo. January 1980)
10 ELR 20410
482 F. Supp. 1115
Northern Ill. Serv. Co. v. EPA
No. 2-07-0213
(Ill. App. Ct. March 2008)
38 ELR 20070
Northern Illinois Gas Co. v. City of Evanston
No. 14-cv-9227
(N.D. Ill. Feb. February 2016)
46 ELR 20036
Northern Ind. Pub. Serv. Co. v. Porter County Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of Am.
No. 75-4
(U.S. November 1975)
6 ELR 20040
423 U.S. 12
8 ERC 1752
Northern Ins. Co. v. Aardvark Assocs., Inc.
No. 90-3687
(3d Cir. August 1991)
21 ELR 21350
942 F.2d 189
Northern Int'l Remail & Express Co. v. Robbins
No. A-4652-08
(N.J. App. Ct. August 2010)
40 ELR 20238
Northern Laramie Range Alliance v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
No. 12-9567
(10th Cir. October 2013)
43 ELR 20237
Northern Mariana Islands v. United States
No. 03-16556
(9th Cir. February 2005)
35 ELR 20047
Northern Natural Gas Co. v. Iowa Utils. Bd.
No. 03-1889
(8th Cir. August 2004)
34 ELR 20071
Northern New Mexico Stockman's Ass'n v. United States Fish & Wildlife Service
No. CIV 18-1138 JB\JFR
(D.N.M. October 2020)
50 ELR 20233
Northern New Mexico Stockman's Ass'n v. United States Fish and Wildlife Service
No. 21-2019
(10th Cir. April 2022)
52 ELR 20047
Northern Ohio Lung Ass'n v. EPA
No. s. 76-2369 et al
(6th Cir. February 1978)
8 ELR 20213
572 F.2d 1143
11 ERC 1411
Northern Plains Resource Council v. EPA
No. 79-7618
(9th Cir. March 1982)
12 ELR 20427
670 F.2d 847
17 ERC 1343
Northern Plains Resource Council v. EPA
No. 79-7618
(9th Cir. May 1981)
11 ELR 20635
645 F.2d 1349
16 ERC 1790
Northern Plains Resource Council v. Lujan
No. 87-4453
(9th Cir. May 1989)
19 ELR 20861
874 F.2d 661
Northern Plains Resource Council v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
No. CV 19-44-GF-BMM
(D. Mont. May 2020)
50 ELR 20115
Northern Plains Resource Council v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
No. CV-19-44-GF-BMM
(D. Mont. April 2020)
50 ELR 20091
Northern Plains Resource Council, Inc. v. Surface Transportation Board
No. 97-70037 et al
(9th Cir. December 2011)
42 ELR 20012
Northern Spotted Owl v. Hodel
No. C88-573Z
(W.D. Wash. October 1988)
19 ELR 20275

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