Cumulative Table of Cases

This database contains a complete listing of decisions published by ELR since the service began in 1971. To locate a decision, click on the letter that corresponds to the first letter of the court opinion you wish to access. Then click on the ELR citation to access the opinion and case details.

| ' | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Midwest Ozone Group v. Environmental Protection Agency
No. 21-1146
(D.C. Cir. March 2023)
53 ELR 20037
Migrant Clinicians Network v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
No. 21-70719
(9th Cir. December 2023)
54 ELR 20191
Milardo v. Coastal Resources Management Council of R.I.
No. 79-245-M.P
(R.I. September 1981)
12 ELR 20133
434 A.2d 266
Mildenberger v. United States
No. 2010-5084
(Fed. Cir. June 2011)
41 ELR 20225
Milford, Village of v. K-H Holding Corp.
No. 03-1597
(6th Cir. November 2004)
34 ELR 20143
Military Toxics Project v. EPA
No. 97-1342
(D.C. Cir. June 1998)
28 ELR 21350
146 F.3d 948
46 ERC 1929
Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa Indians v. Minnesota
No. 97-1757 et al
(8th Cir. August 1997)
28 ELR 20183
124 F.3d 904
Millennium Bulk Terminals-Longview, LLC v. State
No. 17-090
(Wash. Pollution Control Hearings Bd. August 2018)
48 ELR 20148
Miller v. Cudahy Co.
No. 77-1212
(D. Kan. August 1984)
15 ELR 20050
592 F. Supp. 976
21 ERC 1549
Miller v. Cudahy Co.
No. 77-1212
(D. Kan. March 1987)
17 ELR 21242
656 F. Supp. 316
26 ERC 1812
Miller v. Cudahy Co.
No. s. 87-1502, -2283
(10th Cir. September 1988)
19 ELR 20177
858 F.2d 1449
28 ERC 1344
Miller v. Highland County
No. s. 062111, 062489
(Va. September 2007)
37 ELR 20245
Miller v. Mallery
No. 73-609
(D. Or. March 1976)
6 ELR 20499
410 F. Supp. 1283
Miller v. Mandrin Homes, Ltd.
No. CCB-05-3025
(D. Md. February 2007)
37 ELR 20057
Miller v. Mandrin Homes, Ltd.
No. 07-1285
(4th Cir. January 2009)
39 ELR 20011
Miller v. Mississippi Resources, LLC
No. 5:17-cv-41-DCB-MTP
(W.D. Miss. June 2017)
47 ELR 20083
Miller v. United States
No. 71-1370
(4th Cir. December 1971)
1 ELR 20628
455 F.2d 833
3 ERC 1444
Miller v. United States
No. 296-74
(Ct. Cl. March 1976)
6 ELR 20447
531 F.2d 510
Miller v. United States
No. 80-1660
(8th Cir. July 1981)
11 ELR 20991
654 F.2d 513
16 ERC 1919
Milligan v. Red Oak, Iowa, City of
No. 99-3778
(8th Cir. October 2000)
31 ELR 20224
230 F.3d 355
Mills v. United States
No. 93-2757
(11th Cir. October 1994)
25 ELR 20278
36 F.3d 1052
Milo Community Hosp. v. Weinberger
No. 75-1205
(1st Cir. November 1975)
6 ELR 20027
525 F.2d 144
8 ERC 1588
Milton v. United States
No. 21-1131
(Fed. Cir. June 2022)
52 ELR 20066
Milwaukee Metro. Sewerage Dist. v. American Int'l Specialty Ins. Co.
No. s. 09-1645 et al
(7th Cir. March 2010)
40 ELR 20077
Milwaukee, City of v. Illinois
No. 79-408
(U.S. April 1981)
11 ELR 20406
451 U.S. 304
15 ERC 1908
Milwaukee, County of v. Veterans Admin. Ctr.
No. s. 72-C-275 et al
(E.D. Wis. May 1973)
3 ELR 20708
357 F. Supp. 192
5 ERC 1412
Mimbres Valley Irrigation Co. v. Salopek
No. 11904
(N.M. May 1977)
7 ELR 20696
564 P.2d 615
Minard Run Oil Co. v. U.S. Forest Serv.
No. 09-125
(W.D. Pa. December 2009)
40 ELR 20288
Minard Run Oil Co. v. United States Forest Service
No. s. 10-1265, -2332
(3d Cir. September 2011)
41 ELR 20294
Minard Run Oil Co. v. United States Forest Service
No. 12-4160
(3d Cir. September 2013)
43 ELR 20225
Minard Run Oil Co. v. United States Forest Service
No. 09-125
(W.D. Pa. September 2012)
42 ELR 20190
Mine Reclamation Corp. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
No. 93-1227
(D.C. Cir. August 1994)
25 ELR 20127
30 F.3d 1519
Mineral Ass'ns Coalition v. State Mining & Geology Bd.
No. C049201
(Cal. App. 3d Dist. April 2006)
36 ELR 20070
Mineral County v. Lyon County
No. 75917
(Nev. September 2020)
50 ELR 20218
Miners Advocacy Council v. State Dep't of Envtl. Conservation
No. s. S-2369, -2370
(Alaska July 1989)
20 ELR 20782
778 P.2d 1126
Mingo Logan Coal Co. v. Environmental Protection Agency
No. 10-0541
(D.D.C. March 2012)
42 ELR 20071