Cumulative Table of Cases

This database contains a complete listing of decisions published by ELR since the service began in 1971. To locate a decision, click on the letter that corresponds to the first letter of the court opinion you wish to access. Then click on the ELR citation to access the opinion and case details.

| ' | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Inland Empire Pub. Lands Council v. Glickman
No. 95-36272
(9th Cir. May 1996)
26 ELR 21149
88 F.3d 697
Inland Empire Pub. Lands Council v. Schultz
No. CS-91-00061-RJM
(E.D. Wash. October 1992)
23 ELR 20496
807 F. Supp. 649
Inland Empire Pub. Lands Council v. Schultz
No. 92-36970
(9th Cir. May 1993)
23 ELR 20845
992 F.2d 977
Inland Empire Pub. Lands Council v. U.S. Forest Serv.
No. 95-35730
(9th Cir. July 1996)
26 ELR 21412
88 F.3d 754
Inland Empire Waterkeeper v. Corona Clay Co.
No. 20-55420 and 20-55678
(9th Cir. September 2021)
51 ELR 20177
Inland Foundry Co. v. Spokane County Air Pollution Control Auth.
No. 18110-3-III
(Wash. Ct. App. November 1999)
30 ELR 20242
989 P.2d 102
Inland Steel Co. v. EPA
No. 77-1648
(7th Cir. March 1978)
8 ELR 20354
574 F.2d 367
11 ERC 1353
Inland Steel Co. v. EPA
No. s. 89-1405, -1442
(7th Cir. May 1990)
20 ELR 20889
901 F.2d 1419
31 ERC 1527
Inman Park Restoration v. Urban Mass Transp. Admin.
No. C75-717A
(N.D. Ga. November 1975)
7 ELR 20466
414 F. Supp. 99
Inmar Assocs., Inc. v. Carlstadt, Borough of
No. s. A-5820-84T7, A-547-85T1
(N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div. December 1986)
17 ELR 20504
518 A.2d 1110
Institute for Fisheries Resources v. United States Food and Drug Administration
No. 16-cv-01574-VC
(N.D. Cal. November 2020)
51 ELR 20246
Institute of Cetacean Research v. Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
No. 12-35266
(9th Cir. May 2013)
43 ELR 20114
Integrated Waste Servs., Inc. v. Akzo Nobel Salt, Inc.
No. 96-7507
(2d Cir. April 1997)
27 ELR 21138
113 F.3d 296
Intel Corp. v. Hartford Accident & Indem. Co.
No. C 87-20434 RPA
(N.D. Cal. August 1988)
19 ELR 20459
692 F. Supp. 1171
28 ERC 1538
Intel Corp. v. Hartford Accident & Indem. Co.
No. 89-15165
(9th Cir. December 1991)
22 ELR 20968
952 F.2d 1551
35 ERC 1216
Interchange Office Park, Ltd. v. Standard Indus.
No. SA-84-CA-2457
(W.D. Tex. February 1987)
17 ELR 20840
654 F. Supp. 166
Interfaith Community Org. v. AlliedSignal, Inc.
No. 95-2097 (AJL)
(D.N.J. April 1996)
26 ELR 21551
928 F. Supp. 1339
Interfaith Community Org. v. Honeywell Int'l, Inc.
No. 03-2760 et al
(3d Cir. February 2005)
35 ELR 20043
Interfaith Community Org. v. Honeywell Int'l, Inc.
No. 95-2097 (DMC)
(D.N.J. March 2002)
32 ELR 20561
188 F. Supp. 2d 486
Interfaith Community Org. v. PPG Indus., Inc.
No. 09-480
(D.N.J. March 2010)
40 ELR 20101
Intermountain Forest Indus. Ass'n v. Lyng
No. s. C88-0009-B, -0010-B
(D. Wyo. April 1988)
18 ELR 21057
683 F. Supp. 1330
International Ass'n of Indep. Tanker Owners v. Locke
No. 97-35010
(9th Cir. June 1998)
28 ELR 21397
148 F.3d 1053
46 ERC 1956
International Ass'n of Indep. Tanker Owners v. Locke
No. 97-35010
(9th Cir. November 1998)
29 ELR 20281
159 F.3d 1220
International Ass'n of Indep. Tanker Owners v. Lowry
No. C95-1096C
(W.D. Wash. November 1996)
27 ELR 20676
947 F. Supp. 1484
International Brominated Solvents Ass'n v. American Conference of Governmental Indus. Hygienists
No. 5:04-cv-394
(M.D. Ga. May 2008)
38 ELR 20130
International Clinical Labs., Inc. v. Stevens
No. CV 87-3472
(E.D.N.Y. January 1990)
20 ELR 20560
30 ERC 2066
International Clinical Labs., Inc. v. Stevens
No. CV 87-3472
(E.D.N.Y. April 1989)
19 ELR 21084
710 F. Supp. 466
29 ERC 1519
International Ctr. for Tech. Assessment v. Johanns
No. 03-cv-00020-HHK
(D.D.C. February 2007)
37 ELR 20044
International Dark-Sky Ass'n, Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission
No. 22-1337
(D.C. Cir. July 2024)
54 ELR 20104
International Fabricare Inst. v. EPA
No. 91-1148
(D.C. Cir. August 1992)
22 ELR 21385
972 F.2d 384
35 ERC 1281
International Fund for Animal Welfare v. Baldrige
No. 84-1838
(D.D.C. June 1984)
14 ELR 20702
594 F. Supp. 129
International Fund for Animal Welfare v. Baldrige
No. 84-5393
(D.C. Cir. June 1984)
14 ELR 20731
International Harvester Co. v. Ruckelshaus
No. s. 72-1517 et al
(D.C. Cir. February 1973)
3 ELR 20133
478 F.2d 615
4 ERC 2041
International Ins. Co. v. RSR Corp.
No. 03-11272
(5th Cir. September 2005)
35 ELR 20187
International Ins. Co. v. RSR Corp.
No. 04-10311
(5th Cir. September 2005)
35 ELR 20192
International Marine Carriers v. Oil Spill Liab. Trust Fund
No. H-93-2328
(S.D. Tex. July 1994)
26 ELR 20643
903 F. Supp. 1097